ALEC's a Language for Expressing Creativity

ALEC is the new configuration of my Emacs/Organization-Mode system. Just wanted to share some thoughts on the experience. The code says a lot, and the text, too, but I’m more interested in the experience.
For context, this is the next step of TC3F.
If nothing else, just know that the tangle time went down from 10m to 27 seconds :).

Continue reading “ALEC's a Language for Expressing Creativity”

Don't run mode hooks during org exports

binchen has a nice post about how to disable org mode hook execution during exports. It can be a surprise when you run in batch mode and your export breaks because of dependency failures. Oh yea, the major mode hooks run during export even though you personally are not opening a buffer, Emacs is doing so!
Here is his solution:

(defun is-buffer-file-temp ()
  "If (buffer-file-name) is nil or a temp file or HTML file converted from org file"
  (let ((f (buffer-file-name))
        (rlt t))
    (if f
        (if (and (not (string-match temporary-file-directory f))
                 (not (file-exists-p (replace-regexp-in-string "\.html$" ".org" f))))
          (setq rlt nil)))


Org-Mode Details To Accompany Questions

The details that are likely to help questions to be answered on the org mailing list.

(print emacs-version)
(print org-version)
(print (pp-to-string org-babel-default-header-args))
(print (pp-to-string org-babel-default-header-args:R))



"((:eval . \"always\")
 (:padline . \"yes\")
 (:noweb . \"no-export\")
 (:exports . \"both\")
 (:results . \"output replace\")
 (:comments . \"noweb\")
 (:session . \"none\")
 (:cache . \"no\")
 (:hlines . \"no\")
 (:tangle . \"no\"))
"((:session . \"*R*\"))

To Revisit

To Revisit

The Cochrane Collaboration

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Cochrane is a global independent network of health practitioners, researchers, patient advocates and others, responding to the challenge of making the vast amounts of evidence generated through research useful for informing decisions about health. We are a not-for-profit organisation with collaborators from over 120 countries working together to produce credible, accessible health information that is free from commercial sponsorship and other conflicts of interest.
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Our vision is a world of improved health where decisions about health and health care are informed by high-quality, relevant and up-to-date synthesised research evidence.
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Our mission is to promote evidence-informed health decision-making by producing high-quality, relevant, accessible systematic reviews and other synthesised research evidence.
Our work is internationally recognised as the benchmark for high quality information about the effectiveness of health care.