Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita

This authoritative translation and commentary makes a timeless Eastern scripture as useful today as it was centuries ago. Swami Rama draws out the psychological concepts of this immortal text and makes them accessible to all students. Spiritual seekers, psychotherapists, and students of Eastern studies will all find a storehouse of wisdom in this volume. This book deals with analyzing and training the internal states of the human being so that one can be active in the external world while maintaining a state of tranquility.

Be prepared before taking the challenge and keep at it no matter how it goes.

Celestial Song/Gobind Geet

Celestial Song of the Gobind Geet is the dialogue between Sri Guru Gobind Singh and Banda Singh Bahadur, two great leaders in the history of humanity and the Sikh tradition. This poetic interchange presents the ideals of Sikh dharma in a simple and lucid way so that they can be enjoyed, understood, and applied by all who hear them. A central theme of the book is that the spiritually aware have a responsibility to help those in the world – that selfless service to humanity is, in fact, a spiritual practice. To serve, to remember, and to love are the three essential aspects of the Sikh dharma.

Prepare to be amazed and inspired by these magnanimous souls.

magrittr: magrittr – a forward-pipe operator for R

Provides a mechanism for chaining commands with a new forward-pipe operator. Ceci n’est pas un pipe.

This is a post from the most understated package definition of the year department. magrittr is, much like every Scheme library ever, deceptively simple in its power and ease of use that it provides.
The README, API documentation, and vignette are really, really great, too. Be sure to grok the order-of-evaluation when you’ve got normal functions on the right-hand-side.

The Wealth of Information

A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.

— Herbert Simon
Via EMR.