Extra paths to locate TeX \input and \openin files.
(via docs.miktex.org)
Extra paths to locate TeX \input and \openin files.
(via docs.miktex.org)
Provided by Springer here.
Unlike other LaTeX sites that provide code specifically for equation names; this seems to be a search engine for the LaTeX source of papers they have collected.
Here are two ways to render a ^ (carrotcaret) in plain text within LaTeX:
A caret: \verb|^|
I tested them and both work as prescribed. They produce different carrotscarets.
(via comp.lang.texcomp.text.tex)
Addendum: 03/02/09
Corrected spelling of caret.
Addendum: 03/03/09
Wrote the wrong newsgroup name.
Active-DVI is a Unix-platform DVI previewer and a programmable presenter for slides written in LaTeX.
While reading this article, it occurred to me that one ought to approach LaTeX coding much as one would code in any other language: re-use whenever possible.
Aspiring TeXnicians should get comfortable with searching for packages that contain the desired functionality, and using them, rather than starting from scratch each time.
Perhaps this is something of a no-brainer, but, it is very easy to get caught up in the fact that you are writing, rather then coding, while using LaTeX.
Here is a solution to the 2008 ICFP Programming Contest in TeX.
(via expandrive blog)
The tufte-handout document class defines a style similar to the style Edward Tufte uses in his books and handouts. Tufte’s style is known for its extensive use of sidenotes, tight integration of graphics with text, and well-set typography
(via comp.text.tex)
Per Rafael, tkz-berge.sty is the way to draw graphs in LaTeX.