Here is an easy way to use both Emacs and OS X modifier keys when you are inside Emacs:
Toggle the right-option and function key to switch between using them inside Emacs and using them for OS X.
I used Karabiner to make ENTER
when chorded. I used OS X to make CAPS LOCK
. I didn’t change OPTION
. I made this change because Emacs couldn’t ignore the key-event when it was coming from Karabiner.
Here is the code:
(help/on-osx (setq mac-control-modifier 'control) (setq mac-right-control-modifier 'left) (setq mac-command-modifier 'meta) (setq mac-right-command-modifier 'left) (setq mac-option-modifier 'super) (setq mac-right-option-modifier 'left) (setq mac-function-modifier 'hyper) (defun help/toggle-mac-right-option-modifier () "Toggle between passing option modifier either to Emacs or OS X." (interactive) (let ((old-ropt mac-right-option-modifier)) (setq mac-right-option-modifier (if (eq mac-right-option-modifier 'left) 'none 'left)) (message "Toggled `mac-right-option-modifier' from %s to %s." old-ropt mac-right-option-modifier))) (defun help/toggle-mac-function-modifier () "Toggle between passing function modifier either to Emacs or OS X." (interactive) (let ((old-func mac-function-modifier)) (setq mac-function-modifier (if (eq mac-function-modifier 'hyper) 'none 'hyper)) (message "Toggled `mac-function-modifier' from %s to %s." old-func mac-function-modifier))))
(Screencast) The Best Emacs Modifier Key Setup for OS X | Wisdom and Wonder
Interesting approach. I’ve just moved to OSX for my personal laptop and struggled with M-x until swapping command and option keys in the operating system setup. Also I’ve yet to use hydra but that’s on my list. In the video, what do you use to provide completions in the minibuffer – it doesn’t look like helm or ido. Icicles?
Hi Andrew. Glad to hear it is working well for you.
I’m using smex:
Have a great day!