(use-package eyebrowse :ensure t :config (setq eyebrowse-wrap-around t) (eyebrowse-mode t) (defhydra help/hydra-left-side/eyebrowse (:color blue :hint nil) " current eyebrowse slot: %(eyebrowse--get 'current-slot) _j_ previous _k_ last _l_ next _u_ close _i_ choose _o_ rename _q_ quit _a_ 00 _s_ 01 _d_ 02 _f_ 03 _g_ 04 _z_ 05 _x_ 06 _c_ 07 _v_ 08 _b_ 09" ("j" #'eyebrowse-prev-window-config :exit nil) ("k" #'eyebrowse-last-window-config) ("l" #'eyebrowse-next-window-config :exit nil) ("u" #'eyebrowse-close-window-config :exit nil) ("i" #'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config) ("o" #'eyebrowse-rename-window-config :exit nil) ("q" nil) ("a" #'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-0) ("s" #'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-1) ("d" #'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-2) ("f" #'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-3) ("g" #'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-4) ("z" #'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-5) ("x" #'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-6) ("c" #'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-7) ("v" #'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-8) ("b" #'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-9)) (global-set-key (kbd "C-M-e") #'help/hydra-left-side/eyebrowse/body))
Are you using ivy? Then you might try this out. To me it seem more usable than Eyebrowse or any other dedicated package for workspace management.
1. Define a separate function to show only “views”. I just requested to add this function, which was suggested by the author in a github issue, to the codebase.
(defun ivy-switch-view ()
(let ((ivy-initial-inputs-alist
‘((ivy-switch-buffer . “{}”))))
2. Here is my use-package-config of ivy, just for completeness.
(use-package ivy
(“C-S-r” . ivy-resume)
(“H-b” . ivy-switch-view)
(setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers t)
(setq ivy-display-style ‘fancy)
(setq ivy-count-format “(%d/%d) “)
(setq ivy-height 20)
(ivy-mode 1)
:diminish ivy-mode ” “)
3. This is an example of pre-defined ivy-views. You can add dynamically ivy-views by calling ivy-push-view or removing them by using ivy-pop-view.
(setq ivy-views'(
(“{} notes + internal”
(file “~/org/active/notes.org”)
(file “~/org/active/internal.org”)))
(“{} notes + customer”
(file “~/org/active/notes.org”)
(file “~/org/active/customer.org”)))
Hi Jens. I’m on ido. Reading the code it looks like it does it exactly!
Great to know!