What time is it when you have nine ways to insert timestamps with Emacs?
It is time to write a Hydra.
Here is a hydra and some functions for it, and here is how they look:
2018-05-07 05/07/18 05/07/2018 05-07-2018 Monday May 07, 2018 2018-05-07T21-23-59-05-00 2018-05-07T21:24:03-05:00 <2018-05-07 Mon 21:24> <2018-05-07 Mon>
(defhydra help/hydra/timestamp (:color blue :hint nil) " Timestamps: (_q_uit) Date: _I_SO, _U_S, US With _Y_ear and _D_ashes, US In _W_ords Date/Time: _N_o Colons or _w_ith Org-Mode: _R_ight Now or _c_hoose " ("q" nil) ("I" help/insert-datestamp) ("U" help/insert-datestamp-us) ("Y" help/insert-datestamp-us-full-year) ("D" help/insert-datestamp-us-full-year-and-dashes) ("W" help/insert-datestamp-us-words) ("N" help/insert-timestamp-no-colons) ("w" help/insert-timestamp) ("R" help/org-time-stamp-with-seconds-now) ("c" org-time-stamp)) (global-set-key (kbd "C-t") #'help/hydra/timestamp/body) (defun help/insert-datestamp () "Produces and inserts a partial ISO 8601 format timestamp." (interactive) (insert (format-time-string "%F"))) (defun help/insert-datestamp-us () "Produces and inserts a US datestamp." (interactive) (insert (format-time-string "%m/%d/%y"))) (defun help/insert-datestamp-us-full-year-and-dashes () "Produces and inserts a US datestamp with full year and dashes." (interactive) (insert (format-time-string "%m-%d-%Y"))) (defun help/insert-datestamp-us-full-year () "Produces and inserts a US datestamp with full year." (interactive) (insert (format-time-string "%m/%d/%Y"))) (defun help/insert-datestamp-us-words () "Produces and inserts a US datestamp using words." (interactive) (insert (format-time-string "%A %B %d, %Y"))) (defun help/insert-timestamp-no-colons () "Inserts a full ISO 8601 format timestamp with colons replaced by hyphens." (interactive) (insert (help/get-timestamp-no-colons))) (defun help/insert-datestamp () "Produces and inserts a partial ISO 8601 format timestamp." (interactive) (insert (format-time-string "%F"))) (defun help/get-timestamp-no-colons () "Produces a full ISO 8601 format timestamp with colons replaced by hyphens." (interactive) (let* ((timestamp (help/get-timestamp)) (timestamp-no-colons (replace-regexp-in-string ":" "-" timestamp))) timestamp-no-colons)) (defun help/get-timestamp () "Produces a full ISO 8601 format timestamp." (interactive) (let* ((timestamp-without-timezone (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%T")) (timezone-name-in-numeric-form (format-time-string "%z")) (timezone-utf-offset (concat (substring timezone-name-in-numeric-form 0 3) ":" (substring timezone-name-in-numeric-form 3 5))) (timestamp (concat timestamp-without-timezone timezone-utf-offset))) timestamp)) (defun help/insert-timestamp () "Inserts a full ISO 8601 format timestamp." (interactive) (insert (help/get-timestamp))) (defun help/org-time-stamp-with-seconds-now () (interactive) (let ((current-prefix-arg '(16))) (call-interactively 'org-time-stamp)))
Thanks! One thing I noticed is that when I use
Leaving no space between heading and timestamp, the item appears in the agenda as a scheduled item. however, if I leave a space or have text in between heading and timestamp, like this:
Text Text Text
Then it appears in the agenda as a one-time timestamp, and will behave like a one-time timestamp, not like an scheduled item (meaning, it will behave as if I had written and not SCHEDULED: .
Any insights about this?
Thanks in advance
Although I’m not an agenda user my gut feeling is that when we insert a timestamp using the method above that “it is not part of the Agenda machinery”, so “Agenda doesn’t know that it is a scheduled item”. Thoughts?