Easily communicate with R and Clojure R-nREPL is “an implementation of nREPL client and server for R“. It lets them communicate with each other quite easily. Via ess-help.
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Easily communicate with R and Clojure http://t.co/ysbWuVDd9K
RT @planetclojure: Easily communicate with R and Clojure http://t.co/ysbWuVDd9K
RT @planetclojure: Easily communicate with R and Clojure http://t.co/ysbWuVDd9K
Easily communicate between R and Clojure | Wisdom and Wonder http://t.co/zOuyS3a6o0
“Easily communicate with #rstats and #clojure” http://t.co/cVrUncRDJV
RT @chlalanne: “Easily communicate with #rstats and #clojure” http://t.co/cVrUncRDJV