Eclim: The power of Eclipse in your favorite editor

Eclim provides the ability to access Eclipse code editing features (code completion, searching, code validation, and many more) via the command line or a local network connection, allowing those features to be integrated with your favorite editor. Eclim provides an integration with Vim, but third party clients have been created to add eclim support to other editors as well (emacs, sublime text 2, textmate).

Via emacslife.

2 thoughts on “Eclim: The power of Eclipse in your favorite editor”

  1. I could suggest some IDE’s or edorits, but it’s all personal preference. Some people like to use vim or emacs to develop, other people prefer fully functional IDE’s like visual studio, netbeans, eclipse, etc.As far as IDE’s concerned, you should take a look at these options:-Netbeans.Decent IDE, feels kind of slow but gets the job done.-EclipseSimilar to netbeans.-AptanaA classmate uses this for PHP development. He likes it a lot.-Visual Studio with VS.PHPVS doesn’t support PHP out of the box, but there are plugins so you can develop PHP within visual studio. Haven’t tried it, but you should check this out if you like visual studio.Not IDE’s, but great edorits:-Notepad++Simple, fast and gets the job done.-VimHighly customizable, but hard to learn.-EmacsAlso highly customizable, and hard to learn.There’s probably more out there, but these are the ones i know about. Just browse through them all and try the ones you think you will like.Once again, there’s no best IDE or text editor. Just use the one that you like the most. If you’re wondering what i like the most: Visual studio and notepad++ for anything not microsoft related. I’m too lazy to learn emacs or vim.References : Was this answer helpful?

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