R6RS is an experiment

R6RS is an experiment to address programming language features that people need “in the large”. The keyword in there is “experiment”.

It could fail miserably. It could succeed beyond anyone’s wildest expectations. Whatever the case, one of the creative sparks that makes Scheme great is the spirit of innovation. R6RS is trying something very new and innovative in the Scheme community. If it is not the right fit, it will be corrected in R7RS; no harm, no foul.

Lovable code

Today I ended up reading a particular post over at Black Grit, Inc. about their CafePress storefront.

Since mzscheme supports unicode, I would’ve done it like this (in R5RS code):

(define ♥
  (lambda xs
      (display "I ♥ ")
      (let loop ((xs xs))
        (display (car xs))
        (if (not (null? (cdr xs)))
              (display " ")
              (display "and ")
              (loop (cdr xs))))))))

so that you could write:

(♥ ’scheme)


RLX is a rogue-like video game engine written in Emacs Lisp that is being ported to Common Lisp.

In addition to the fact that this is a game so it is just plain fun, the author uses emacs as an IDE for creating games using the engine.

What more could you ask for? Read more on about it on his blog.