This works on macOS 11
tell application "System Events" repeat with x in (get name of processes whose visible is true) set visible of process x to false end repeat end tell
along with usage and download details
This works on macOS 11
tell application "System Events" repeat with x in (get name of processes whose visible is true) set visible of process x to false end repeat end tell
along with usage and download details
Via reboot81:
Open Script Editor and paste each block into a new script for you to use.
var systemEvents = Application("System Events"); var systemPreferences = Application("System Preferences"); systemPreferences.activate(); systemPreferences.panes.byId( "" ).anchors.byName("Seeing_Display").reveal(); chkInvert = systemEvents.applicationProcesses.byName( "System Preferences" ).windows.byName("Accessibility").checkboxes. byName("Invert colors");; systemPreferences.quit();
var systemEvents = Application("System Events"); var systemPreferences = Application("System Preferences"); systemPreferences.activate(); systemPreferences.panes.byId( "" ).anchors.byName("Seeing_Display").reveal(); chkInvert = systemEvents.applicationProcesses.byName( "System Preferences" ).windows.byName("Accessibility").checkboxes. byName("Use grayscale");; systemPreferences.quit();
When I update Brew I minimize the terminal window so I can work on something else while it is running. Every so often I check to see if it finished. Then I read through the history to see if there is any work I need to perform by hand. For example sometimes Brew can’t link things and other times the package won’t even install. This has always worked well. Today I had a funny surprise though.
Continue reading “macOS 12 Sierra Brew Users: Read This Before Updating Anything”
2021-04-16: Here is one in JavaScript.
Toggle Grayscale
tell application "System Preferences" activate set the current pane to pane id "" delay 1 # needs time to open universal access tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences" to tell window "Accessibility" tell scroll area 2 to tell table 1 to tell row 6 #open display preferences select end tell click checkbox "Use grayscale" end tell end tell tell application "System Preferences" to quit # Sierra: System Preferences -> Accessibility -> Display -> Use grayscale
Invert Colors
tell application "System Preferences" activate set the current pane to pane id "" delay 1 # needs time to open universal access tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences" to tell window "Accessibility" tell scroll area 2 to tell table 1 to tell row 6 #open display preferences select end tell click checkbox "Invert colors" end tell end tell tell application "System Preferences" to quit # Sierra: System Preferences -> Accessibility -> Display -> Invert colors
Run them from the command line. Maybe make your screen black and white at night or invert colors for screencasts or working in sunligh.
alias togglegrayscale=’osascript /Users/gcr/util/sspadtogglegrayscale.scpt’
alias invertcolors=’osascript /Users/gcr/util/sspadtogglecolors.scpt’
If you want to lock and unlock your files from the command line using Finder instead of using chmod
there here are two aliases to do it:
alias flock=’chflags -R uchg’
alias funlock=’chflags -R nouchg’
My desk has 3 monitor on it—two external and one built into the Mac. They are used like this:
I tried to keep it simple but it is still easy to forget which application that I’m working with. I wanted a way to highlight the window that had focus and I found it with HazeOver — Distraction Dimmer for Mac.
Continue reading “(macOS) Handling Too Many Application Windows Overload on macOS”
I can’t find the git
2.10 binary so I run
which git
Excellent, found it.
And then I check it’s version to verify I am looking at the right version
/usr/local/bin/git –version
git version 2.21.0
Oops that isn’t what I wanted.
There must be another git
getting loaded earlier in the search path.
Here is how to find out where all copies of git
type -a git
git is /usr/local/bin/git git is /usr/local/bin/git git is /usr/bin/git
Look for the right git
at version 2.10
/usr/local/bin/git –version
/usr/bin/git –version
git version 2.21.0 git version 2.14.3 (Apple Git-98)
I want the second one.
That is how to track down the location of a binary file on macOS that appears multiple times in the search path.
After using it for a few days I already love it.
Personal examples:
Flycut: It’ll Remember It For You (but not Wholesale ).
If you are an Emacser you’ll instantly know and love this as a macOS Kill Ring.
Security concern: persisting sensitive information in your clipboard like this, it is easy to forget about it. Fortunately Flycut doesn’t copy values from password fields. Additionally it keeps it’s data local to your computer never sharing it between your other computers or devices. However, it is just like any other security concern so be careful what you keep in there.
Save a few mouse drags and clicks to open Finder by pressing Option(alt)-Command(⌘)-Space.
It is even faster than hitting Control-Space to start Spotlight.
Sometimes Bash needs its debugger but it can’t find it. It looks like this:
/usr/share/bashdb/ No such file or directory -bash: warning: cannot start debugger
For example when you start bashdb
yourself with bash --debugger
or set shopt -s extdebug
. Another example is when your terminal turns it on.
Here is the fix that worked on my box:
brew install bashdb
bashhome=$(brew –prefix bash)
bdbhome=$(brew –prefix bashdb)
ln -s $bdbhome/share/bashdb $bashhome/share/bashdb
unset bashhome
unset bdbhome