The Processing Programming Language

I had thought that it was only for Arduino coding, but it turns out to have much broader and interesting goals:

Processing is a programming language, development environment, and online community that since 2001 has promoted software literacy within the visual arts. Initially created to serve as a software sketchbook and to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context, Processing quickly developed into a tool for creating finished professional work as well.

Flow Control in Selenium IDE Scripting

Adding to the Selenium IDE’s already awesome “save your behind in every kind of situation possible” behavior, here is a plugin that adds the flow control constructs that are so sorely missed from the base language. This is a powerful, powerful addition that makes some horrible tasks… bearable.

Calling functions with optional arguments from the mini-buffer

Surely one of the first things VIers want to know as do the rest of us is how to move forward N characters (or backward or whatever) from the mini-buffer in EMACS. Here is how it is done, using the universal argument. So to move forward 100 chars:

C:u 100, C:f

Thanks FUCO for providing a better solution:

There’s also a faster way. Just hold down control key (or meta key, by default the binding is on both) and type the number, then execute the command or invoke minibuffer with M-x
So, C-2 C-0 C-f will move you 20 characters. It’s neat because you don’t have to release control, you just hit the rest of the keys in sequence.