Peter Ivanyi's Dialog Library

Peter’s library provides a way to design user interfaces in XML.

The user specifies the layout of the dialog window in XML. The interaction is also specified in a simple way, setting values or labels and setting actions which should occur when the user clicks on the specific widget. An example can be found in the package.

(via PLT Discuss)

Larceny Scheme

Larceny is a simple and efficient implementation of the Scheme programming language. Created originally as a test vehicle for research on garbage collection and compiler optimizations, Larceny has grown into a major multiplatform system, and is currently the only implementation that supports all four de facto standards for Scheme: IEEE/ANSI, R5RS, ERR5RS, and the R6RS.

Setting the memory limit in DrScheme

When you use DrScheme, you should be sure to set the memory limit by going to the menu-item:

Scheme->Limit Memory

Doing so allows DrScheme to “play nice” with the operating system when you write some code that eats up all of the free memory. Rather than taking the whole operating system down; DrScheme dies gracefully.