Easily Move Comments to Another Post in WordPress

Sometimes you accidentally double-post the same article. It looks like an easy fix until you notice that people have commented on both articles! It turns out that the solution is pretty easy if you are comfortable with SQL. This post is a work of art concisely explaining what to do and making it simple.

Choosing a WordPress Vagrant Box

I want a Vagrant box on which to configure and develop WordPress. Here are some of the options. I wanted to decide on one. Here is how.

  • Box: name
  • Stars: on GitHub, # stars
  • Ctrb: on GitHub, # contributors
  • Rel: on GitHub, # releases
  • Cmts: on GitHub, # commits
  • Brn: on GitHub, # branches
  • For: Purpose of box
  • Rct: Gut reaction 1
    • +: Like
    • *: Pros and Cons
    • -: Dislike
  • Rt2: Gut reaction 2


  • Identify options
  • Classify them by stars and contributors
  • Get a gut reaction whether to dig deeper or not
  • Review them again
Box Stars Ctrb Rel Cmts Brn For Rct Rt2
VVV 2323 72 13 1178 4 WP Dev +  
Vagrnt-Press 696 17 0 107 5 Gen dev + ++
vipquickstart 242 23 3 562 9 Gen dev +
Primary-Vgrnt 103 7 15 399 3 Gen dev + na
wp-nginx-hhvm 28 2 0 20 1 Gen dev + na
MonkeyRocket 13 1 0 5 2 Gen dev + na
Chassis 330 17 0 274 7 Gen dev * na
wp-vagrant 110 1 0 17 2 Reg sup * na
vccw 382 20 45 343 3 Gen dev * na
genesis 674 10 83 384 42 Gen dev * na
VVV-site-wizard 373 5 0 70 2 Cfg VVV na
vvv-reviewer 69 3 4 23 2 Rvw na
VAW 78 2 0 31 1 Gen dev na
WP Machine 14 1 0 17 1 LAMP na
wpkickstart 32 9 0 44 1 DigOcn na

VVV seems to be the best place to start.

Org2Blog DITAA Test

+--------+   +-------+    +-------+
|        | --+ ditaa +--> |       |
|  Text  |   +-------+    |diagram|
|Document|   |!magic!|    |       |
|     {d}|   |       |    |       |
+---+----+   +-------+    +-------+
    :                         ^
    |       Lots of work      |


The test succeeded by turning off thumbnail images.

Re-enabling RSS tag feeds with the Feedburner Plugin

Most of us WordPress users who are using Feedburner to track our feed subscriptions are using the Feedburner Feedsmith WordPress plugin to make it all work. Unfortuantely that plugin remove the ability for folks to subscribe to RSS tag feeds directly from your blog. In this article, the author explain how to re-enable this feature.
In the function

function ol_feed_redirect()

change this

is_feed() && $feed != 'comments-rss2' && !is_single() &&

to this:

is_feed() && $feed != 'comments-rss2' && !is_single() && !is_tag() &&

Basically you are just telling the plugin that if the URL has a tag argument, it should let WordPress handle the feed rather than Feedburner.
(via the ocamlcore.org team)

Simple Yearly Archive

Simple Yearly Archive is a rather neat and simple WordPress plugin that allows you to display your archives in a year-based list. It works mostly like the usual WP archive, but displays all published posts seperated by their year of publication. That said, it’s also possible to restrict the output to certain categories, and much more.

The default WordPress “Archive” widget is nice, but once you get more than a couple years worth of archives it starts to take up a lot of space and as such become very ugly. This plugin deals with the problem rather nicely by allowing you to include the archive anywhere you wish. For example, I put it on a page (aptly) named “Archive”.
The one thing that you will probably want to do right off the bat is to configure a date-format for the posts and display post-count per year.

Ext JS

Ext JS is a cross-browser JavaScript library for building rich internet applications.”
In particular, it allows you to build desktop-like applications that run in a web browser. Considering the speed of CPUs and Internet connections today, this could be pretty interesting.