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- Always show options
- Access in a panel the more thing and you see everything
- Do this for all Typography stuff
- Suitcase lets you only show fonts that you are working with per app
- Helpful because in my keycaps I only use a few
- $120USD
- RightFont seems to do the same thing for $50USD
- Emailed both to see if they have the right tool for what I want
- What style should I use for the keycaps?
- Leading is the amount of the space between lines of text
- New reading size for fonts is 11
- Kearning is the space between individual letters V/A<-
- Tracking is the spae between whole words <-VA->
- T: Vertical scale
- T: Horizontal scale
- Baseline shift: raise up the word higher or lower
- Super and subscript?
- There is a setting for that
- Rotate character
- Thinking of rotating the Ekeman faces
- Thinking of rotating the Emacs meta keys to make them clearly something new
- Small bold and everything
- Paragraph settings
- Just have to be in the paragraph to change its attributes
- Styles let you automate all of the customization that you made in one paragraph so you can do the same thing to another