IntelliJ Settings

IntelliJ Idea is best Java development environment out there. It can be an IDE or a text editor—configure it however you wish because whatever you do it will be simple. At its simplest you only need 4 settings to make it better out of the box:

  • Right margin (columns): 80
  • Editor tabs: 100
  • Show line numbers: true
  • Appearance Theme: IDEA (4.5)
  • Key-map:
    • Emacs
    • Project Toolbar: M:1
    • Structure Toolbar: M:2
    • Changes Toolbar: M:3
  • Font: DejaVu Sans Mono 12

How to Create a New and Empty Branch in Git

git checkout --orphan NEWBRANCH
git rm -rf .
touch .gitignore
git commit -a -m ""

Via bitflop.

Addendum: 2014-02-28:

Create an orhan branch
git checkout --orphan lp
git rm -rf .
touch .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git diff --cached
git commit -m "Initial import."
Create a remote branch
git push -u origin lp
Obtain a remote branch
git checkout -b lp
Delete a branch
Remote: git push origin :lp
Local: git branch -D lp

Interactive Image Generation with Racket

Not sure whether I blogged about this or not already, but I sure could not find it so here goes.
A while back my buddy Bruce needed some randomly generated images in a particular format for a project. The specs were more of a “I’ll know it when I see it” kind of thing so I volunteered to help out and have some fun with Racket in the process.
The nifty part is that during development and also use you may preview the images directly inside of DrRacket. This feature made the work so, so fun (other editors do this, too).
Here is a copy of the code. Try running manual.scm and the image will show up in the REPL. If you run automatic.scm it will dump the image in /tmp.

Pro Git Book Review

As a Subversion master-user I was hoping for a lot from \_Pro Git and was rewarded greatly. The author gives Git a fair shake without throwing Subversion under the bus. He does a great job teaching not just the tools, but the culture and “how to think” the Git way. The latter is devoid in literally every tutorial I’ve seen online, and I’m not sure it is even possible to sum it up in anything less than the entirety of this book. The length is just fine, chapter are brief, terse, light, and information packed. The multitude of tools and approaches revealed in the book make it worth reading, and buying, too. Although the book is free online, the author should be rewarded with a purchase. Before reading this I spent 5 months using Git with the typical docs: man pages,, and random posts. This book pulled everything together, it was kind of like sitting with a hacker who really groks it all (as you will see in the last chapter), and that alone is priceless. 5/5

Addendum: the formatting and graphics in the Kindle version look excellent (forgot to mention this key point as not all Kindle books look this great).

Software Project Management for Emacs: Cask

Johan shared a link for Cask with me. Look like an excellent and well needed tool for serious Emacs development. Serious being open to definition of course.
Dependency and software project management tools seem to slowly drift across language and system stacks, always being re-invented. The study of such systems, and the development of a singular and unified approach in the form of a library looks like a lot of fun and serious hard work, probably only worth pursuing if the result were a PhD.

2.5 Bikes, 2 Riders, 9 wheels

Via this link via Douglas Grindstaff:

Is it stupidity to think a couple (one a paraplegic) could cross the USA on 2 & a half bikes? Well we are planning to find out. The plan is to take 10 weeks to criss cross and zig zag our way from LA to NY, to see the sights and enjoy the freedom and those unique views and sensations that only a motorcyclist understands.

What it is: wonderful.