How to Choose Packages Between Two ELPA Repositories

ELPA makes Emacs v24 even more delightful to use. You may have run into a situation though where you wanted to install different packages from both Marmalade and MELPA. A common problem here is that because the newest version number always gets chosen for installation, MELPA packages always get chosen over Marmalade, and you may not want that. MELPA thankfully has a solution for that in the form of their own package.
The directions to set up MELPA are straightforward, but, one of my super-powers is not make any sense of directions, so I had a heck of a time getting it working. Aaron’s config gave me a clue, but I still didn’t have it working (I liked his namespace prefixing though so). Once I did get it working though it was really clear what I had done wrong, basically the package load and require order was incorrect, so, here is the right way to do it:

  • Install the melpa package manually as directed; this gives you package you need to use the filtering functionality.
  • Require ‘package to get the ELPA functionality and variables.
  • Add the repo(s) to ‘package-archives so that you can pull from them.
  • Call package-initialize to find the recently installed melpa package.
  • Require ‘melpa to import it and be able to use it.
  • Customize the enable and exclude melpa variables to specify what packages to include or exclude from which repositories.
  • Call package-refresh-contents to update Emacs’s database of which packages it should use as available for installation.
  • Your filtered package list is now available for use, call list-packages to verify.

Here is an example of my situation, I wanted to default to installing the newest package from either GNU or Marmalade for all but two cases where I only wanted the version that was available on MELPA: fill-column-indicator and melpa. Here is the configuration and correct order of calls to make:

(defvar gcr/packages
  "Packages required at runtime.")
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("marmalade" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("melpa" . "") t)
(require 'melpa)
(setq package-archive-enable-alist '(("gnu")
(setq package-archive-exclude-alist '(("gnu"
(dolist (package gcr/packages)
  (when (not (package-installed-p package))
    (condition-case err
        (package-install package)
       (message "%s" (error-message-string err))))))

GODI – The source code Objective Caml distribution

Via its homepage:

GODI provides an advanced programming environment for the Objective Caml (O’Caml) language.
From INRIA (who created O’Caml) you can get the O’Caml compiler and runtime system, but this is usually not enough to develop applications. You also need libraries, and there are many developers all over the world providing them; you can go and pick them up. But it is a lot of work to build and install them.
GODI is a system that simplifies this task: It is a framework that automatically builds the O’Caml core system, and additionally installs a growing number of pre-packaged libraries. For a number of reasons GODI is a source-code based system, and there are no precompiled libraries, but it makes it very simple for everybody to compile them.
GODI is available for O’Caml-3.10 and 3.11. It runs on Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Windows (Cygwin and MinGW), HP-UX, MacOS X.

Condorcet method

The R7RS working group is using this approach, which got me curious about it.

A Condorcet method is any single-winner election method that meets the Condorcet criterion, that is, which always selects the Condorcet winner, the candidate who would beat each of the other candidates in a run-off election, if such a candidate exists.

In other words:

It is possible for a candidate to be the most preferred overall without being the first preference of any voter. In a sense, the Condorcet method yields the “best compromise” candidate, the one that the largest majority will find to be least disagreeable, even if not their favorite.

(via wikipedia)

Scribfile: File and Operating System related Scribble Functionality
Is a little library that provides two forms, one to read a lispy language file into a codeblock and another that makes a system call and renders the results in a verbatim form. Pretty helpful for demos of non-Racket code and who knows what else.
Thanks Racket team, and Danny and Matthew for getting this working.