Author: grant
Angular Unstable will be in Bower Soon
Tried to install AngularJS unstable today via bower and followed this trail:
- make version 1.1.5 available on bower packages ( create a 1.1.5 tag )
- Include unstable versions
- Bower should install stable components by default
- Add support for semver 2.0.0-rc.1’s build level
to find that Bower currently doesn’t support unstable releases due to a versioning issue, but, they will soon.
In the meantime, Michael Ahlers went above and beyond to provide an alternative here.
Rush 2013 Clockwork Angels Tour
It felt good to have Rush share with us their artistic contribution “Clockwork Angels”. They are not living in the past, and how could they, nobody would keep showing up just to hear Tom Sawyer would they? That said, it was great to hear the 2112 Overture performed by it’s creators ;).
Though it wouldn’t look it, the Marcus Amphitheater sounded great. There was great sound, you could hear everyone; certainly not what you would expect staring up at the 1.5 story tall P.A. system hanging above the stage.
The show was a blast and the guys are indeed masters.
One Path to SML
Never knowing what is the right time for a path to present itself, I think I am back on the path to SML again. This time I got some more feedback and wanted to capture it here.
Various feedback:
- ML for the Working Programmer. Skip it. A wonderful book. Excellent for advanced programmers.
- Programming in Standard ML. Definitive, once you are through, you are done. A wonderful book.
- The Little MLer. An introduction to the idea of typed programming not an introduction to SML
- Elements of ML Programming, ML97 Edition (2nd Edition).
- ML Primer. Good for beginners.
- Functional Programming Using Standard Ml. A good introduction to the language. Good for beginners.
- Abstract Data Types in Standard ML. Poorly written, but good code for intermediate programmers to read.
- Purely Functional Data Structures. Excellent for advanced programmers.
- Applicative High Order Programming: The Standard M.L.Perspective. Excellent for advanced programmers.
- Elements Of Functional Programming. Excellent for intermediate/advanced programmers.
- The Definition of Standard ML – Revised.
- Concurrent Programming in ML.
- ACM Workshop on ML. The proceedings.
- Programming With Standard Ml. Good for intermediate programmers.
We’ll see what is my cup of tea.
Scheme: It's Not Just for Factorial Anymore
Scheme: It’s Not Just for Factorial Anymore.
It isn’t.
Simple Scheme
Simple is a Scheme system for learning.
I have to work with a virtual machine that theoretical SECD machine.
Mechanism looking into the internal structure has been incorporated.
Org Mode Babel Support for SML
Reproducible Research, Literate Programming and Inter-Language Programming with Babel
Babel is about letting many different languages work together. Programming languages live in blocks inside natural language Org-mode documents. A piece of data may pass from a table to a Python code block, then maybe move on to an R code block, and finally end up embedded as a value in the middle of a paragraph or possibly pass through a gnuplot code block and end up as a plot embedded in the document.
My current approach is to use multiple languages, build scripts, intermediate files to share data, and finally weave it together inside of LaTeX. The babel way looks intriguing, with excellent support (via Emacs modes) for numerous languages. Very exciting.
This paper might pique your interest.
DIagrams Through Ascii Art
ditaa is a small command-line utility written in Java, that can convert diagrams drawn using ascii art (‘drawings’ that contain characters that resemble lines like | / – ), into proper bitmap graphics.
You have to see it to believe. For you text-heads out there, yet another great tool for us!
Guile-Emacs Continues Forward with GSoC
Guile-Emacs continues forward with GSoC.