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- A whole chapter on selection, got my attention!
- Andy says that it is one of most important skills
- Vector programs are called object-oriented
- This lesson is all about the Selection Tool (
- You can hide the bounding box of an object
- How do you reshape the object?
- Use the tools from the toolbar
- Preferences → Selection & Anchor Display
- Tolerance
- How close you are to an anchor point before AI informs you that you are there
- Nice to set it to one so that you are operating precisely
- Shift-Click to select multiple objects
- Command-Drag on an object to move all of them
- Selection is configurable!
- How are groups defined?
- Select on attributes
- Select all objects with one pixel stroke!
- Work on an individual piece in a group
- Smart guides
- The conscience never needs validation
- Seems is always unified, soothing, and practical.
- The mind usually makes you nervous
- You’re not really sure if it is the right thing to do
- You actually are a good person
- It isn’t a trick
- It will always be that way no matter what
- The soul and conscience are never tarnished.
- Where you should direct all your energy to make the world a better place
- Learn how to love all and exclude none
- That which creates sustainibility is good
- “Liquid Creativity”
- Easily create your own custom panel
- When you set the origin point you are setting that position on the ruler to 0,0
- When you snap the origin to an object you can use the ruler to position a guide exactly
units away from that object
- Double click the genesis point to reset it to the default position
- You are left with a guide so you know where to place the new object
- When you hold shift to work with a guide it always snaps to the whole location
- Command-rag from origin brings two guides
- Guides are indispensable
- You can automatically resize an artboard by centering it and shrinking it on an object
- You can also manually do it by
- Selecting the object on which to center
- Selecting the dropdown of the align tool to choose
Align To Artboard
- Manually selecting center vertical and horizontal
- Shift-Option and resize on the corner of the artboard keeps the object centered
- This will take some examples
- Author is an illustrator by trade
- Did everything by hand before AI
- Now does it all in AI
- For Techne or Tekne or Texni
- Use for Keycap layout
- Use for shield lettering
- Use for keyboard printing
- Use for website
- Use for business cards
- Use for logo
- Artboards are artboards, not pages, InDesign is for that
- Teacher
- Great sound
- Uses examples and repetition
- Combination of casual conversation light-heartedness and serious philosophy about workflow and cognitive space
- Goal: Only work on the butterfly
- Accidentally select something else, move the wrong thing, undo it
- Instead lock the background to avoid the accident
- Approaches
- Background is in a group, so select it, and lock it
- You can manipulate every other object
- Unlock when done
- Easier way
- Everything is in one layer right now, wrong approach, should use separate layers
- In this example you open the layer and lock the individual groups
- Can also hide them
- Show and hide layers and groups
- Even though you have everything in one layer, you can still do what you want in your workflow
- Be sure to develop the habit for using this by using it a lot!
- Store any configuration aspects of that view
- Are what they sound like
- Good for editing individual keycap objects
- Questions
- Per file?
- Share-able?
- Panel for them? Hassle to go up to the menubar
- Be sure to open each new AI file each new lesson
- File → Document Setup or menu up in top area or right click on ruler
- Settings locations
- For all documents via preferences
- Per document
- The genesis point of the measuring system 0,0
- Unsure how to relate/use the object location to this point