Seal your boots *before* the snow falls this year!

Seal your boots before the snow falls this year!

I went the Beeswax route. It worked great. Take your time to seal it up nice. Cut your chamois strips first; a few 2“x2” pieces are fine. Set up your waxing station with your Atsko beeswax, strips, boots, and heat source. I used a hair dryer. Wish that I had done this with every pair of boots that I’d ever owned!

Reminds me, ought to do this for my sandals, too.

Efective Visualization of Large Multidimensional Datasets

Ever wonder how to visualize data in multiple dimensions?

Here is what one team learned.

How To Build A USB Puzzle Box?

It would be fun to build a USB puzzle box. Here is how it would work after you plug it in:

  • It would illuminate it’s buttons in an entertaining pattern
  • If you punch in the secret code it would unlock it’s storage drive
  • If you punch in the wrong code it would reboot your computer

It is supposed to be fun. I haven’t thought too deeply about this, but it is supposed to be fun no encryption or anything. The security comes from the device simply not even showing up as a storage device until you “unlock” it.

Since I’m on OS X, this seemed like a good place to start.