Where is the better place to start APL or J?
Raw notes follow.
Where is the better place to start APL or J?
Raw notes follow.
Via LinkedIn APL Group via Dyalog via Jsoftware:
APL’s birthday was fifty years ago:
)load 1 cleanspace SAVED 1966-11-27 15.53.59 (GMT-7)
Happy belated birthday APL.
This is a collection of APL libraries.
It was developed in gnu-apl but should be easily ported to other versions.
Our objective is adding functionality that is available in more recently created languages.
The announcement is here.
APL might pique your interest, but not enough for you take final step forward to start hacking with it. GNU APL is there, waiting for you. Still not enough?
Set up GNU APL mode for Emacs using use-package
(use-package gnu-apl-mode :ensure t)
or download it, extract it, and load it with a
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path-to/gnu-apl-mode") (require 'gnu-apl-mode)
Do you have any more reasons not to start hacking with GNU APL and Emacs?!
Never having studied a package like this before, it is educational. It is also revealing how much love and labor went into this delightful package.
Thanks you Elias Mårtenson; hear, hear!
Google+ has an APL Group now!
Aaron Hsu blogs on APL here; all good reads.
Just went through most of Zark’s Dyalog APL Tutorial