Here via r-bloggers.
Nice overview worth a read.
Author: grant
A guide on setting up C/C++ development environment for Emacs
Shiny for R
A web application framework for R
Turn your analyses into interactive web applications
No HTML, CSS, or JavaScript knowledge required
— Via the homepage
Wait a bit until getting aggressive about error handling in R
You might want to handle all unexpected situations in your code doing something like options(error=recover)
and options(warn=2)
in your .Rprofile
. That is a good thing.
Just be sure to do it after your system is initialized, because if you don’t then you are sure to kill your startup!
save() vs saveRDS() in R
is an easy way to save the definition of a single unnamed object in R.
Good to know. Via fromthebottomoftheheap
How to generate a random number in R
How to generate a random number in R has a handful of nice examples.
help('$') in R
The R documentation is concise and rich. Documentation on $
is one example of those properties. The examples teach so much more than the few lines of space that they take up! The best practices advised and detailed explanations in the commentary make this literature required reading.
The ultimate form of travel
Truck camper magazine
The ultimate form of travel, and maybe even living.
Lexical Scope and Statistical Computing
FWIW, I have started a `prog-proc-mode’, which is supposed to be a minor mode used in a programming mode and that makesthe link to an underlying comint mode.
— Stefan Monnier
It will make the link easier; every mode has to do it all themselves.
Via emacs.devel via ESS-help.