Here is an update on the official Doom port for iPhone.
(via reddit)
Category: Link
Coming Up with Fresh Ideas
Here is a nice article that describes a strategy for coming up with at least 3 very fresh ideas.
Eucalyptus e-text reader
Eucalyptus is an interesting app for a few reasons. One, it seems to provide a pleasant user experience. Two, it leverages freely available material (a lot of it). Three, it is breaking the trend of the 99c app pricing.
This looks like a real app into which a lot of work has been put. I look forward to finding what comes up it.
Screenshots: 1 2 3 4
Be careful for whom you market
This article explains that you should be careful for whom you market as you tend to want to reach people exactly like yourself. Of course if this is your goal, then it is not really a problem :).
Setting the bounds on infinity
Working with partners or sub-contractors; you are bound to end up working with some very creative people. You have a vision that they need to fulfill; and you probably expect them to figure it out for you so you tell them “just make it happen; do whatever you like”.
When you give someone limitless possibilities, though, they are likely never to find a good one, at least not for you.
By giving even the most creative people just some constraints, you are doing them a favor and you are likely to end up a much happier participant in the interaction.
(via Seth)
Simple ideas make big money
Best Entrepreneur Books That You Never Expected
Our addiction to addition
Here is a great post about elegance.
Something is elegant if it is two things at once: unusually simple and surprisingly powerful.
— Matthew E. May
That makes me think of Scheme.
(via Guy)
Visiting the iPhone Dev SDK Forums
The iPhone Dev SDK Forums are just that; a collection of forums whose topics of discussion encompass just about every aspect of working in this market. Specific forum focuses range from low-level details of APIs and tooling to business topics like how best to market and support your product.
Having spent about an hour clicking around there; I got the impression that it was a pleasant community and look forward to spending more time there.
Simple online surveying
Wufoo is an online surveying tool that looks interesting. I haven’t used it myself, but, it is what my webhost uses and they have pretty good taste in the tools that I have seen them use so far.