Bill Clementson wrote a great post about it here.
Category: Link
CUFP 2007 Videos available on Google Video
Re: CUFP 2007 Videos in the ACM Digital Library, they are also now available on Google Video.
You can find the talks by searching on CUFP07 or on the speaker’s last name.
Here is the list of speakers and presentations.
(via CUFP)
Linked In to PLT
Tom Schouten has kindly set up a PLT Scheme group in Linked In.
To join it, go to his web page and click on the “PLT Scheme” link to request membership.
On Functional Programming in Education
Regarding my last post, you should definitely read all of the comments. It is pretty interesting to get everyone’s perspective on the topic (even if it is simply something to the effect of “Sounds like a great idea!”). Take, for example, Dan Friedman‘s comment:
Since I have been teaching functional programming in my undergraduate programming languages course since 1967, I am thrilled that at long last I might be teaching the sanctioned material.
Functional Programming in Education
On May 28-29, 2008 SIGPLan held a workshop on Programming Languages in the Curriculum at Harvard.
to discuss the role of Functional Programming in Education. The results of their efforts are here.
Please have a look, and, per Matthias’ comment, please consider posting your comments (under the “Programming Languages” section)!
C and a desert island
If you were trapped on a desert island, clearly you would choose C as your only programming language!
About PLT Scheme v4.0
Have a look at Matthew Flatt’s thoughts about the pending release of PLT Scheme 4.0. He sets a definitive (if not authoritative) tone for what PLT Scheme v4.0 will, and will not, be.
A Guided Tour of Emacs
[Trey] recently came across the GNU page: A guided tour of Emacs. It is a gem of an introduction to Emacs. Unlike the help distributed with Emacs (tutorial, FAQ, *info* pages), this tour does a good job illustrating the wide variety of Emacs capabilities
A video tour of PLT Scheme 4.0
Via the PLT Scheme blog, there is a video tour of DrScheme now available here with a higher resolution video available here.
P-Lisp rides again!
In this comp.lang.lisp post Ron Garret explains how he found and is in the process of exploring a copy of P-Lisp (PLisp) for the Apple IIe.
Addendum 06/24/08:
Ron explains how he created and released a disk image here.