John has some good notes from ECLM 08 on how folks are using Common Lisp.
SICP Prerequisites?
What helps you tackle SICP?
The answer from this post:
How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method by G. Polya
Congratulations Eli!
With a marked resolve and steadfast discipline, Eli has completed his SICP study project.
Eli is an inspiration to, and fine example for, all students of programming.
How to Learn Scheme (was How to Learn Programming)
- The Scheme Programming Language Third Edition by R. Kent Dybvig
How to Design Programs by Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, and Shriram KrishnamurthiStructure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman
Addendum 6/26/8:
The difference between learning a programming language and learning how to program is now clear enough to me that I had to revise this post to clarify its intent and correct its content. As such, the title has been changed, and only one book has been recommended.
SICP in Emacs
SICP in Emacs: Get the best of one in the best of the other.
The implications are obvious!
LilyPond is a music notation that uses Scheme.
emacs analog clock
For when a digital clock won’t do: analog-clock.el.
Why you should learn Forth
One mans vision, alternately it could be called “A Teaser for Forth”!
Forth and Lisp sound philosophically quite similar, though in Lisp you can’t do things as wild as redefining the number one!
This is a yet another great read that will make you want to learn Forth.
Inform Users with BoxQuote
Have a look at how to utilize the “box control” within Emacs to help users with the task at hand.