Personal approach for collecting Emacs usage statistics advice?

Lately I’ve been curious whether or not my actual Emacs keymapping usage actually reflects how I think I use it. What I mean is that I have a goal of mapping frequently used operations to easily-accessible keybindings on the keyboard. What I plan to do is to record my usage so that I can study it to find mapping decisions that I got right, and wrong, and also identify things that I use that I should be mapping closer to home.
The simplest approach would be to use a keylogger, or advice inside of Emacs.
What I am curious about is your approach if you had done, or would do, something like this, and your thoughts an ideas.
In my case I lay out my mappings for how far away from home they are, and that has worked well so far, but I would like some numbers to back up that claim though it is not too serious depending upon how you look at it.
Cross posted from help-gnu-emacs

God Mode — no more RSI

Lot of posts recently about the desire to reduce RSI from too much keyboard use in Emacs. Although I didn’t look up any studies or evidence of this, the idea of hacking how to handle keybindings in Emacs is always interesting.
God mode is one way to “simplify” things.
Basically you go in and out of the mode, and when in it, single key strokes are automatically prefaced with a control, and meta commands are prefaced with a g instead.


A mistake that I made too often in life was to focus too much on the specific implementation or realization of a thing instead of learning about the valuable generalizations and abstractions that may be learned from it and applied elsewhere. That was then, this is now.
imenu is actually a nice feature for Emacs. When I learned about it way back when, having quit using the menu bar, I dismissed it as not-helpful. That was a stupid thing for me to do because there ought to be a way to use it with the keyboard. Of course there is.
Thank you vitoshka, for imenu-anywhere.