emacs-calfw is a calendar framework for Emacs. It looks beautiful, thoughtful, well thought out, and well-developed. That is from reading its landing page, I never used it. I use Google Calendar, and, this package is still intriguing because every question I could come up with was well answered on that landing page.
Tag: Emacs
Easily Browse Imenu Entries In A Buffer
Imenu is an under-recognized gem of a package. One way to make it more accessible is to utilize it via a buffer instead of going up to a menu.
imenu-list does just that. It is shockingly powerful because nearly every package has Imenu integration, it is fast, easy to read, and lets you quickly jump around and exit the mode just as easily as you entered it.
Getting Started with Org-mode
Harry’s presentation on Org-Mode is great. He shares his personal preferences. You can read his blog to learn about them too. The meter to the presentation is perfect, too. It left me thinking more about
- What are out expectations as viewers?
- What are our expectations as presenters?
- Is it worth communicating assumptions?
- Is it all an sales exercise?
- How does our experience with commercial software change our valuation of OSS?
- Org-Mode is large and expressive; can we ever say more than “In my experience, X is good or bad”? Sure everything is in our experience but people really don’t listen unless you make strong statements, right?
- As of 2016, is it fair to start a conversation with something like “I’ve spent 1,000 hours mastering X… this is the context of what I’m about to share”? When we provide opinions should we provide the same contextual disclaimer? What does mastery mean today and what is it’s role in practice? Does mastery have a place when sales matters most? Do both have a place?
The Glorious Horror of TECO
Via Reddit: The Glorious Horror of TECO is a fascinating read about implementing a useful and expressive programming environment under drastically constrained resources.
Org-mode with the ox-twbs package
(Screencast) The Story Of blackboard-bold-mode
Here is how I learned to move functionality from my .emacs.el into a minor-mode.
org-spec: A Pleasant Weaving Theme For Org-Mode
Project. Demo and Demo Source Code.
Org-Mode 8.3.5 Is Released
Hear, hear! Org-Mode 8.3.5 Is Released!
KEYR8 (Emacs Friendly Keyboard): Prototype Fabricated
They took a newbie like me through the process of designing the thing and it was fun. Then they fabricated the thing and it rocks.
Emacs friends: there is enough key-space (128 keys) to easily place
- Control
- Meta
- Super
- Hyper
- Ultra (Control-Meta-Super-Hyper)
- Alt
- Gui
Strong thumb proponents: I’m trying to make it happen here by placing everything on the bottom two rows (including space, Fn, and enter).
Making the Repl sing electric
Easily compose music and visual art with Emacs via ReneFroger.