Seems that RMS is taking IDE design cues from Eclipse! (thanks Yoni)
Someone please point him at IntelliJ Idea.
Tag: Emacs
Customizing Autosave
Here is a tweak to configure auto-save to cooperate with your buffers in Emacs.
Switching Caps Lock with Control on Windows
Getting the control key “back into the right spot” on PC keyboards is a goal shared between Emacs and UNIX folks. The following are a collection of links on how to do so (this list is sure to grow):
- GNU Emacs FAQ For Windows 95/98/ME/NT/XP and 2000 (thanks Trey)
- Sysinternals Ctrl2Cap (thanks kiwlm)
Addendum: 10/01/08
The Sysinternals solution is excellent, but it throws away caps lock. This was fine for me for a while, but believe it or not, now I need it back. As such, I now employ the solution found here.
Addendum: 1/11/11
This approach does not work on Windows 7 (I just started using Win7 this week).
KeyMapper works brilliantly though.
(via emacswiki)
Addendum: 2014-12-10
Coming back to Windows I found that KeyMapper quit working for me.
AutoHotkey seems to be doing the job of swapping:
- caps lock with left control
- left control with caps lock
- enter with right control
- right shift with enter
- Seems to be the best way to use any keyboard out there
- scroll up and down on the wheel mouse
Alt (Meta) - Enter
doesn’t seem to work.
I’ll keep at it. Here is the config.
WheelUp:: Send {WheelDown} Return WheelDown:: Send {WheelUp} Return Capslock::Ctrl LCtrl::CapsLock Enter::RCtrl RShift::Enter