There is a precedent for hosting other languages on top of Racket by compiling their syntax down to Racket. What got me thinking other languages on Racket was Shriram’s P4P article, and also to some degree a discussion surrounding Gambit’s SIX. It got me wondering…
Would PLT have anything to gain from providing a non-parenthesized language created specifically for Racket? What I mean is take Racket, remove the stuff too hard to do without parens, and offer that up as an “official” Racket language. This is not the same as implementing Java on Racket.
How difficult would it be to “come up with” such a language? I’m totally ignorant regarding language design. Would it be interesting… or boring and a waste of time?
Tag: Programming Language
A Proposal Against Parentheses in Racket
This document proposes an alternate syntax for Racket. It reduces the parenthetical burden, makes the language appear more traditional, and respects indentation, though not in the way you think. It does all this while retaining the essence of Racket syntax, and even offering a high degree of tool reuse.
(via Racket-users)
Objective Caml for Multicore Architectures
Efforts being made on one of the biggest criticisms of OCaml.
(via Caml-list)
Unison on the iPhone
Intel presentation about their new functional programming language
Via CUFP via Caml-list:
For five years Intel’s Programming Systems Lab (PSL) has been collaborating with an external partner on a new functional programming language designed for productivity on many-core processors. While the language is not yet public, this talk outlines motivations behind the language and describes our experiences in implementing it using a variety of functional languages. The reference interpreter is written in Haskell and compiled with GHC while PSL’s performance implementation is written in SML and compiled with Mlton. We have also generated Scheme code compiled with PLT Scheme as part of a prototyping effort.
I’m very proud to announce Ocamlnet 3.0.0, a completely overhauled version of Ocamlnet.
Wish I had some problems that needed solving with ocamlnet!
(via caml-list)
Updated DrSync to Racket
Just posted the updated version of DrSync for Racket on PlaneT.
Okasaki's Purely Functional Data Structures in Typed Racket
A library of purely functional data structures in Typed Racket. Data structures in the library are based on Chris Okasaki’s book Purely Functional Data Structures, work by Phil Bagwell and others
(via racket)
Delimited continuations on OCaml
Yaron's Effective ML Lessons
* Favor readers over writers
* Create uniform interfaces
* Make illegal states unrepresentable
* Code for exhaustiveness
* Open few modules
* Make common errors obvious
* Avoid boilerplate
* Avoid complex type-hackery
* Don’t be puritanical about purity
(via janestreet)