SyntaxHighlighter Evolved is brilliant. Its text is too skinny for my eyes though. Here is a fix though thank you very much Tawfiq. It is easy to apply it if you are using Jetpack’s Custom CSS feature.
/* font-size */ .syntaxhighlighter a, .syntaxhighlighter div, .syntaxhighlighter code, .syntaxhighlighter table, .syntaxhighlighter table td, .syntaxhighlighter table tr, .syntaxhighlighter table tbody, .syntaxhighlighter table thead, .syntaxhighlighter table caption, .syntaxhighlighter textarea { font-size: 14px !important; } /* top and bottom padding in code box */ .syntaxhighlighter { padding: 1em 0 !important; } /* increase line number and code line height */ .syntaxhighlighter table td.gutter .line { padding: 3px 0.5em 3px 1em !important; } .syntaxhighlighter table td.code .line { padding: 3px 1em !important; }