Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously.
Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously.
This book is another classic that must be imbibed.
Peter shared this with me; looks like a great starting point.
Peter shared his interest and investment in this technology with me. Learn a language to program a chip that you may use to run programs. Intriguing.
The pursuit of happiness for its own sake, without expectation, is the only logical goal.
Intellectual knowledge here is a necessary, but not sufficient condition.
Expectation is the mother of misery.
org-indent-mode immediately struck me as perfect, but my personal preference
is to limit text width something around 80 columns. Making
true is the perfect balance.
orgmk seems to simplify org-mode exporting.
org2blog/wp looks very interesting, but manually posting is easy enough for now.
Some users visualize source block delimeters differently. Those visualizations
might be nice to add to pretty-mode.
Andreas posted two ways in babel to store a variable. The example is just nice
to have when you are getting into babel.
There are a few ways to continue code listings in beamer, but this one seems
most simple.
May as well enable markdown export in addition to beamer.
org-enforce-todo-dependencies disallows tree completion flags when incomplete
children exist.
org-plot supports plotting.
The current Clojure namespace is maintained between source blocks now in babel.
CDLaTeX seems like a nice idea to use in org-mode.
org-writers-room looks like a great idea; asked author to post a screenshot.
org-export-exclude-tags allows you to block export of specified sub-trees.
Rainer submitted a patch to prevent R from stomping on session variables.
Wade’s had a nice aftermarket hard case.
The measure of success was that I wouldn’t have to set the bass down in the mud or cram it into the trunk.
It is only worth doing if it is hard.
It if were easy then it probably wouldn’t be very fun.