Cask is the best way to manage your Emacs packages and MELPA is the best place to find them. Because not all packages are set up to be run specifically with the packaging in mind, a lot of feature are still loaded manually (additionally, I am to be blamed for setting them up incorrectly and needing to do something manually in the first place). The convenience with the approach below is never having to update directory paths with each new release of your favorite package on MELPA that may so easily be installed with a cask update. Cask is still under active development, though, so this code may break eventually (my previous approach for example broke as of the 0.6 release).
Author: grant
Writing Books with Org Mode
Picrin Scheme
Importing Code Formatter Settings from Eclipse
Idea finally does it out of the box.
Discipline. Perseverance. Self-Control.
Discipline. Perseverance. Self-Control.
What beautiful, beautiful things, with which to act, and serve.
Wisdom begins in wonder
Wisdom begins in wonder.
Life gets simpler
Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously.
Lisp in Small Pieces
This book is another classic that must be imbibed.
Peter shared this with me; looks like a great starting point.
Field-programmable gate arrays
Peter shared his interest and investment in this technology with me. Learn a language to program a chip that you may use to run programs. Intriguing.