Testing post org2blog/wp-post-subtree-and-publish
Author: grant
If You Run Org-Mode From Git Update It Faster
cd ~/src/org-mode/ && git ls-remote && make update
First check if you can reach the remote repo.
Send Line To Any REPL
Send the current line to the REPL, evaluate it and move to the next line. Works for lots of languages and does the right thing navigating to the next line.
If you learned this in ESS then you already love it. If you didn’t then you probably will now
OS X/macOS Security Updates Out Today
Be sure to install them.
No Amount Of Feeling Bad About It Will Ever Make It Feel Better
No amount of feeling bad about it will ever make it feel better.
Bad also means mad and angry. They are both a good start to action for remediation.
Grief is different than feeling bad or mad. It is a process that includes them but is not limited to nor defined by them. Grief is a process. Feeling bad or mad is not.
Why Persistence Matters And The Stages Of Change
Persistence matters. See here.
Start An Emacs Configuration Startup Debugging Instance Like This
Whether you use Org-Mode Literate Programming to manage your Emacs startup or not, you will enjoy testing your configuration files changes in another Emacs instance:
alias ets="emacs --debug-init --no-init-file --no-splash --background-color white --foreground-color black --vertical-scroll-bars --eval '(switch-to-buffer \"*Messages*\")' --name TEST --title TEST --load ~/src/help/.emacs.el &"
For Sun workstation bootup nostalgia the buffer has black text on a white background.
Maybe Include This Info With Your Org-Mode ECM
(message "ECM Information Follows") (message "Org-Version:") (message (org-version)) (message "Org-Git-Version:") (message (org-git-version)) (message "Emacs-Version:") (message (emacs-version)) (message "org-babel-default-header-args") (princ org-babel-default-header-args)
Exceptions Are Easy
Read why here.
When you think about it you’ll find that it is pretty simple.
You just haven’t thought about it. And why should you have?
Curiosity Contains Courage
Curiosity is always lauded for the easy stuff like art and science. Yet it emboldens you to do more.
Curiosity gives you the courage to learn about the things that you most fear. Then you conquer them.