Persistence matters. See here.
Author: grant
Start An Emacs Configuration Startup Debugging Instance Like This
Whether you use Org-Mode Literate Programming to manage your Emacs startup or not, you will enjoy testing your configuration files changes in another Emacs instance:
alias ets="emacs --debug-init --no-init-file --no-splash --background-color white --foreground-color black --vertical-scroll-bars --eval '(switch-to-buffer \"*Messages*\")' --name TEST --title TEST --load ~/src/help/.emacs.el &"
For Sun workstation bootup nostalgia the buffer has black text on a white background.
Maybe Include This Info With Your Org-Mode ECM
(message "ECM Information Follows") (message "Org-Version:") (message (org-version)) (message "Org-Git-Version:") (message (org-git-version)) (message "Emacs-Version:") (message (emacs-version)) (message "org-babel-default-header-args") (princ org-babel-default-header-args)
Exceptions Are Easy
Read why here.
When you think about it you’ll find that it is pretty simple.
You just haven’t thought about it. And why should you have?
Curiosity Contains Courage
Curiosity is always lauded for the easy stuff like art and science. Yet it emboldens you to do more.
Curiosity gives you the courage to learn about the things that you most fear. Then you conquer them.
You Love Emacs And IKEA Is To Blame
Have you spent hundreds of hours configuring and thinking about Emacs?
And despite that your fondness for it only continues to grow?
And when you can’t explain to your friends why you love Emacs you chalk it up to your own poor communication skills.
I do.
But here is another explanation.
I dare you to watch all eleven minutes.
Alternate title: “Emacs: You Came For A Bargain And Left With A Treasure”
Org-Mode's Two Most Useful Data Table Functions That You Probably Never Used
It might be hard to admit it for us Emacsers but most of us are pretty comfortable using Excel (or its clones) for data management. Maybe the fun stops there but it doesn’t have to.
Here are the two most important functions for getting the most out of working together with Org-Mode data tables and Excel (without having to use literate programming):
Continue reading “Org-Mode's Two Most Useful Data Table Functions That You Probably Never Used”
How To Keep Emacs Healthy And Happy on macOS
Here is how to keep Emacs healthy and happy on macOS on my machine.
Continue reading “How To Keep Emacs Healthy And Happy on macOS”
Best Occur Configuration Ever
Here is the best Occur configuration that I’ve ever had on my machine.
You Must Do The Thing Which You Think You Cannot Do
Inspiration gives everything it has and expects nothing in return.
Here are five expansive and inclusive inspirations:
Continue reading “You Must Do The Thing Which You Think You Cannot Do”