- http://www.art.net/~hopkins/Don/lang/forth.html
- http://www.findinglisp.com/blog/2008/06/forth-timelessness-redux.html
- http://yosefk.com/blog/my-history-with-forth-stack-machines.html
- http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classes/551.jvn.fall01/primer.htm
- http://www.softsynth.com/pforth/pf_tut.php
- http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ForthLanguage
Author: grant
His Feelings About FORTH
This is a detailed and frank conversations about one man’s journey with FORTH.
Mastery, Questions, Hardware, Software, LISP, Forth, TI-99/4A
Over the last two years a few questions and ideas have visited me and the following is my attempt to piece them together…
Continue reading “Mastery, Questions, Hardware, Software, LISP, Forth, TI-99/4A”
The Purpose of EMACS
The purpose of EMACS is to provide an environment for the unlimited expression of your creativity in which you can revel in the definition of as many boundaries as you wish, and then exceed them, repeatedly.
Sharing a Smile
Under the right circumstances a smile can illuminate this entire universe and even the entirety of this reality.
Don’t hesitate to share one.
What to do when great ideas appear during meditation?
Meditation brings silence. Silence provides space for new ideas to appear. It makes sense to record them. Keep a voice recorder near by and capture them and get back to your practice.
It is at your discretion as to whether or not it is your mind providing that great idea or not!
How to backward delete a word in Emacs
What are you passionate about?
I filled out a registration form today. It asked “What are you passionate about?”.
I answered:
Community and collaboration.
“If You Want To Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want To Go Far, Go Together”
— African proverb.
What is your answer?
Eclim: The power of Eclipse in your favorite editor
Eclim provides the ability to access Eclipse code editing features (code completion, searching, code validation, and many more) via the command line or a local network connection, allowing those features to be integrated with your favorite editor. Eclim provides an integration with Vim, but third party clients have been created to add eclim support to other editors as well (emacs, sublime text 2, textmate).
Via emacslife.
An Infinite Expression of Love
Love is the infinite blossoming of pure-reason and the desire to express the creative aspect of consciousness in all of its forms according to the boundaries of this reality. We are that expression in all of its forms and we serve to create an environment where that expression of divine creativity may unfold by kindly and perseveringly serving all of humanity.