2009 ICFP & Co-Hosted Event Videos

I am happy to announce that videos of all talks at ICFP and some of the associated workshops this year have made available online:
I’m sure you’ll join me in thanking Malcolm Wallace for the time and effort he put into making this possible. Thank you Malcolm!

There are videos for the Erlang Workshop 2009, CUFP 2009, Haskell Symposium 2009, ICFP 2009, and Haskell Implementers Workshop 2009 events.
(via PLT)

Make exploring large OCaml projects easy

OCamlSpotter is a tool which finds definition places of various names (identifiers, type names, modules, etc) in OCaml programs automatically for you. The original OCaml’s -annot option provides the same sort of functionality but OCamlSpotter provides much more powerful browsing: it can find definitions hidden in the deep nested module aliases and functor applications.

(via caml-list)