The last time I spoke to a friend of mine who knows both Scheme and Common Lisp (among many other programming languages), his current language of choice was Python. More or less, he said that it just “feels right” (I need to pick his brain more on this).
Is Lisp the future of Python? Do Lispers gravitate towards Python? I’m not sure yet, but this paper aims to shed some light on both of those questions.
A pattern language for study groups
A member of the Book Club pointed us at this wonderful article on how to get the most out of learning as a group.
Addendum: 10/15/08
The link to the source material died, so I replaced it with another.
Clojure: A Lisp like language on the JVM
Clojure is a Lisp like language built especially to run on the JVM. After perusing the language rationale and features, it is pretty clear that anyone interested in multi-paradigm programming on the JVM would have a great time digging deeper in to Clojure!
When Code Really is Art
For all of the programmers who lament the fact that code is not recognized as art, there is Piet.
Joking aside, once you get up to speed on stack based programming, this looks like a fun interpreter project. I am supposing that there are some very interesting opportunities on how to literally make your code “more beautiful”!
Addendum: 09/08/08
Here is a hello world program with a thorough walk-through and explanation of how it works.
Addendum: 12/28/08
Possible projects:
- An interpreter
- A picture editor
- A graphical representation of the interpreter
- A Scheme to Piet compiler; trained to generate “pretty pictures”
Lispers Know Modern Languages
From Dan Bensen on comp.lang.lisp:
Lispers know tons of modern languages. We invent a new one every time we write another application.
Mr Ed Designer: Generating User Interfaces with PLT Scheme
PLT Scheme’s user interface library is called Mr Ed. It is used to provide DrScheme to thousands of computers running Windows, Mac OS, and UNIX. It “just works”, and does so well; it is a fine graphics toolkit. MrEd Designer aims to make Mr Ed even easier to use!
Addendum: 7/14/8:
Peter Ivanyi now maintains this application.
Addendum: 09/10/08:
MrEd Designer 2.1.2 is released; it now supports tab-panels.
Addendum: 09/20/08
In MrEd Designer 2.1.3:
- tooltips are added for the main buttons
- the no-border style for the tab-panels is fixed.
Caveats of Object Creation using Closures
At one time or another you have probably heard the claim made that since you can utilize closures while programming in Lisp, there is no need to utilize an object system. That claim is sort of a half-truth. While closures are the language construct that allow you to create objects, they certainly don’t provide you with all of the object oriented programming language features that you would expect. Instead, you need to implement those features yourself.
The question was posed on the PLT discussion list. Some very good points were made about the issues you must address when implementing such an object system yourself, along with a pointer detailing how the issues are addressed in PLT Scheme.
Disciplined Thought: A Programmer's Friend
This post on the PLT discussion list reminded me of me. There was a point where my interest in programming languages was more about what you could do with a language, without much of an emphasis on the why you would want to do such a thing. While you can do a lot of interesting things in different languages, there is often more value when there is reason, or vision, of why you would do those things. From my perspective, most languages have, at one time or another had some guiding vision or force behind them.
Eiffel has Bertrand Meyer saying “Everything is an object, and be static about it” and C++ has Bjarne Stroustrup saying “Keep it fast, keep it generic”, Scheme “Programming languages should be designed not by piling feature …”. Ruby has Yukihiro Matsumoto saying “It makes sense to me, if you don’t like it, see you later!”. Consequently there are a lot of really “neat” things you can do in Ruby, but it is not always obvious to me why you might want to do those things (I’m excluding the obvious ones so give me a break on those). Mats knows, and if you don’t “get it” oh well! The vision, or reason, extends all the way from the macrocosm of the entire language to the microcosm of its individual features.
Programming language features are there for a reason. While I will always find individual features interesting in terms of what you can do, one of my goals as a programmer is to always study with enough discipline to understand why such features exist.
As a programmer it is your duty to understand those features before utilizing them. Matthias’ reply to this post provides an excellent example of the conciseness and clarity that are the fruits of such discipline.
Type Conversion with Eiffel
If you are going to utilize the Object Oriented paradigm for implementing your system, you ought to do yourself a favor and learn the Eiffel programming language. Why?
Take all of the things that are not included in your statically-typed OO language of choice because they are “too hard to understand”, and visit them in Eiffel. Not only does it have all of those features, but it makes them easy both to understand and utilize.
Read about type conversion, for example. What a wonderful language feature. You can even use tuples!
You will be left scratching your head, wondering why no one else has features like this (among many others).
Eiffel is really a gem of a language!
Nonstandard Interpretation with Scheme
In response to this excellent blog post by Dave Herman, Jay McCarthy pointed the reader to this interesting paper about creating a language construct that allows you to modularly redefine how your code (that you may or may not have written) gets evaluated (in other words, nonstandard interpretation).
Nonstandard interpretation
is a powerful and useful construct that supports such tasks as tracing, security logging, sandboxing, error checking, profiling, code instrumentation and metering, run-time code patching, and resource monitoring.
Obviously, these things aren’t new features. You can probably already perform nonstandard interpretation using your language of choice.
The interesting thing about this approach is that rather than performing compile time environment or code manipulation, a new language feature is applied to perform the non standard interpretation at runtime.
While both will get you to the place that you want to go; only the latter offers you an opportunity to build a conceptual framework for understand how you reached your destination. Neat!