Embrace Your Unrelenting Honesty

When you honestly share with someone that they were sent here perfect born here perfect are immutably perfect no matter what anybody says thinks or does including themselves it is a durable consistent resilient sustainable undeniable self-evident truth that demands to be shared as quickly as often as loud repeatedly as your voice permits whispered spoken shouted from the streets rooftops hills Internet forums signals out into space no matter what may come of it standing 100% behind it with all your willful determination energy enthusiasm now. You believe it. Share it now. Why not? Why wait?

Movement as Medicine?

Preemptive happiness management means doing it before you get miserable. But hey if you are like most of us you only do the work after you can’t tolerate the misery anymore (seconds/minutes/hours/days/months/years) lol. This seminar is about the best easiest most efficient way to feel good again and what it does is gives you some momentum. You take it home with you. Use it to build the next thing and next thing. Your foundations gets stronger. You end up having more interesting things in life surprising things. Then visit again :).

Here is a video introduction and here are the details.

Movement as Medicine works?

Yes absolutely.

Dr. Theresa Oswald, MD is the real deal. Absolutely worth your time money attention and every resource you value.

Hope you have a great trip.

Use all of Emacs’s modifiers on macOS with various keyboards.

When non-Emacs users observe Emacs users laboring over their key binding configuration their typical range of reactions include finding it to be interesting, surprising, remarkable, strange, weird, incredible, striking, bizarre, deviant, eccentric, freakish, monstrous, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incredible, unimaginable, and unthinkable. With that range reactions in mind it is self-evident that if you are reading this then you already know why you want to use more of the Emacs’s modifier keys you just want to know how. The purpose of this project is to capture one way of using all of Emacs’s modifier keys.

macOS 12 Sierra Brew Users: Read This Before Updating Anything

When I update Brew I minimize the terminal window so I can work on something else while it is running. Every so often I check to see if it finished. Then I read through the history to see if there is any work I need to perform by hand. For example sometimes Brew can’t link things and other times the package won’t even install. This has always worked well. Today I had a funny surprise though.

Continue reading “macOS 12 Sierra Brew Users: Read This Before Updating Anything”

Celebrating Your Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Birthday Year

Just occurred to me today that as of last May I’m celebrating my Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy birthday year #42.

To all sci-fi fanatics, writers, hackers, composers, burners, Deadheads, Emacsers, VIMmers, Sādhakas, seekers, survivors, and more:

42 is yet another fine well and good excuse to have some fun this year.

Try Out Org2Blog v1.1.0 Using This Package

Right now you can’t try out an Org2Blog v1.1.0 package from MELPA because it isn’t yet building using Org2Blog’s new recipe. Eventually the pull request will get merged. Once it does I will push the changes. However, you can still try out v1.1.0 using a package.

If you’ve been waiting to try Org2Blog v1.1.0 using a package then you can download it here just download the tar file. After downloading it you can install it from Emacs by typing M-x package-install-file and then choosing the file org2blog-master.tar you just downloaded.

The package manager should install the required packages but if it doesn’t it will warn you and you can manually install them. Depending on how you configured package-archives and package-archive-priorities everything should go just fine. Let me know if it doesn’t.

Checkout the README.org now included within the package.

Happy blogging