People who don’t dig their own drinking wells don’t mind water pollution.
People who don’t farm their own food don’t mind ground pollution.
People who don’t clean up their own messes don’t mind landfills.
What you do entitles what you say.
By that definition, we should’t say much, but do more.
Author: grant
Safe, clean, and pleasant
That measure acceptability applies to just about everything when you have some flexibility with the definitions.
kindness, consideration and amiability
— Wikipedia
For your self, and others.
Approximation over precision
Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than an exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise.
(via John Tukey via Jerry Smith)
Motion and emotion, action and reaction
Every action that you take sets a standard from which you may pull from to justify how to move forward in life. Take every opportunity that you have to move, and to act, in a virtuous, kind, and cheerful manner. At the very least, do it when it is easy. At the very worst of times, it will serve you both as an example, and as an excuse, to behave in the same manner. In our North American culture today, some people may become quite insulted when you don’t react to their misery with meanness, cruelty, and gloom with matching feelings. Know though, that you are doing the right thing in staying virtuous, kind, and cheerful.
Training and practice
The onus of responsibility to better oneself lies entirely upon the individual. Her efforts must be applied in a disciplined, perseverant, and self-controlled manner. Laziness must be banished, and cheerfulness welcomed. When you are new to a topic, train smart and well. When you become an expert on a topic, practice daily. Set high, high standards and expectations for yourself and others; and be forgiving when they are failed to be met. If you never fail reach them, then you are setting your goals too low. Take joy and satisfaction from your effort, alone, and let go of anything else that it yields (bad or good).
Gain instead of give up
As we grow, we naturally graduate from things (ideas, people, practices). Often we are encouraged to give them up, often too soon and quite inappropriately. Instead, stay the course and the new things in your life will look quite naturally like gains, accept them as they come.
Return to instead of escape from
Often the focus of meaningful action is to escape the various evils of something. Instead, try to focus on the virtues of that to which you are returning. It is more cheerful, and yields the same result (and often better).
In physics, spacetime (also space–time, space time or space–time continuum) is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single interwoven continuum.
Indenting new curly bracket blocks with smartparens for R
Emacs speaks statistics handle indentation for curly bracket blocks quite well. My preference was to have, after inserting matching opening and closing curly brackets, a newline with the cursor indented one block in. This post in particular describes the solution; it worked fine as of today.
Addendum: 2014-04-17
Here is the code snippet from the above link:
(sp-local-pair 'c++-mode "{" nil :post-handlers '((my-create-newline-and-enter-sexp "RET")))
(defun my-create-newline-and-enter-sexp (&rest _ignored)
"Open a new brace or bracket expression, with relevant newlines and indent. "
(forward-line -1)
Addendum: 2014-05-06
Here is a link to the documentation on using pre and post pair handlers.