Learn how to be happy, and then how to do things (take action).
Failure and success, hard work and vacation, and life suddenly begin to take on a different role.
Author: grant
A mistake that I made too often in life was to focus too much on the specific implementation or realization of a thing instead of learning about the valuable generalizations and abstractions that may be learned from it and applied elsewhere. That was then, this is now.
imenu is actually a nice feature for Emacs. When I learned about it way back when, having quit using the menu bar, I dismissed it as not-helpful. That was a stupid thing for me to do because there ought to be a way to use it with the keyboard. Of course there is.
Thank you vitoshka, for imenu-anywhere.
Recently learned about Polymode from the ESS user manual.
It looks like a nice option for working with code that didn’t start out in org-mode; which is likely pretty common.
Starving juice with dead food
Who calls a diet Pepsi with some kimchi a “starving juice and dead food”?!
Glass of water
A good game is to keep a clear drinking glass near you at all times during the day; the challenge is to keep filling it and drinking all of the water in it.
Addicted to because
Addiction is the continued repetition of a behavior despite adverse consequences…
— Wikipedia
Pick two:
I am [happy/sad] because of [person/place/thing].
Is it possible to live contently without bondage to “because”?
How to act
The questions about how to fix oneself are limitless and the answers range from dissatisfying to non-existent.
The answer is simple:
Act with love, respect, devotion, honor, and service.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The version that we’ll study with:
Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Practicing the soroban
It looks like about an hour a day for a year or two for the first certification. The to-do list follows.
Continue reading “Practicing the soroban”
Org Manual
The org-mode manual lives here.