Is Go Lang worth learning or not? I wanted to know. These were my steps for making (up) and answer. It was a rough but short road for me. I determined that I like it and that determination shocked me. It totally went against my intuition (which proves nothing). My wrong-ness surprised and delighted me. And inspired me to capture both my conclusion and the process. That is what follows.
Author: grant
Never Too Late To Learn `multi-occur-in-matching-buffers'
Ever wanted to search all of your buffers limited by their backing file type? Surprisingly I never did very much. ag
and grep
worked fine for me. Then I started leaving buffers open, with everything that I cared about, all the time. Then I joined the “Emacs 100+ Buffer Club”.
multi-occur-in-matching-buffers is helpful when you watch to use occur
in some of those buffers.
(Go Lang) Methods (GBEN)
(Go Lang) Structs (GBEN)
(Go Lang) Pointers (GBEN)
(Go Lang) Recursion (GBEN)
(Go Lang) Closures (GBEN)
- Like in Lisp
- Don’t allow recursion against themselves
(Go Lang) Variadic Functions (GBEN)
- Like in Lisp
syntax when you pass to a function
(Go Lang) Multiple Return Values (GBEN)
- They are idiomatic
Org2Blog Test #216
This is a test, people. Here’s an apostrophe. Here are “quotes”. & an ampersand, anyone?`
f(x) &= x_1 + x_2 \\
&= x_3