Author: grant
A Meditator’s Map to the Mind
Precise introduction to a mysterious terrain.
Thank You Theri DeJoode and @groomformen
Thank you Theri DeJoode and @groomformen for a delightful Thursday.
It was fun and you did wonderful work.
Another Way to Notice You Are Doing Yoga
You are doing yoga when you start to notice truly astounding things that you would have never noticed for even a microsecond before you began practicing.
New To Me Smoothie Recipe
- 1 banana
- 1 cup of blueberries, frozen, organic
- 1 handful of spinach or kale or arugula (triple washed)
- 1 tbsp cinnamon
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 tbsp walnuts
- Blend with water or milk or almond milk or yogurt
- On high to get the greens really mashed
Thank you Blair!
Org2Blog DITAA Test
+--------+ +-------+ +-------+ | | --+ ditaa +--> | | | Text | +-------+ |diagram| |Document| |!magic!| | | | {d}| | | | | +---+----+ +-------+ +-------+ : ^ | Lots of work | +-------------------------+
The test succeeded by turning off thumbnail images.
Migrating to Org2Blog
WordPress is a powerful and satisfying writing and publishing platform. After learning Org-Mode, I wanted to use Org-Mode for writing and WordPress for publishing. Org2Blog makes that easy.
WordPress easily exports your posts to XML. Org2Blog-Importers converts them to Org-Mode via Pandoc. Tonight I converted them here. Any future modifications belong in these documents with publishing to WordPress.
I tested both publishing new posts and modifying and re-publishing old posts and both worked correctly.
Additional Org2Blog Configuration
Hello, world.
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Org2Blog Setup
Content goes here.
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How to reintegrate changes for Word back into Org-Mode
From: Ken Mankoff Subject: Re: [O] Organizing and taming hectic Academia work (faculty viewpoint)? Tips or a good guides sought after :) Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:02:50 -0400 Hi Julian, On 2015-06-10 at 10:16, Julian Burgos <address@hidden> wrote: > a) I first write in org-mode. Export to Word, either exporting first > to ODT and then to Word, or to LaTex and then use pandoc to convert > LaTex to Word. My coauthor can edit the document as he wishes, using > the "Track changes" option. Then, I transcribe their edits back into > the org-mode document. Advantage of this approach: your coauthor > receives a clean word file, that could include figures, references, > etc., and he/she uses the tools she likes to edit the file. > Disadvantage: you have to manually incorporate the changes to the > org-mode file each time there are edits. > > b) I write the manuscript in org-mode. Then I send the org-mode file > to my coauthor. Because the org-mode file is just a text file, my > coauthor can use Word to edit it. I ask him/her *not* to use "track > changes" and to save the edited version also as a text file. Then, > when I receive it I use ediff in emacs to compare both documents and > incorporate the edits I want. Advantage of this approach: the merging > of the documents is easy using ediff. Disadvantage: your coauthor has > to edit a weird-looking document, with markup, code blocks, etc. It seems like with a bit of extra (scriptable?) work you could remove both disadvantages. Why can't you use method (a) above, and then DOCX -> Org via pandoc (with --accept-all option)? I know pandoc introduce some of its own changes to the Org syntax but not the document itself. You can get around this. You can remove the pandoc-generated changes automagically so that only co-author changes appear in Org format, which you can then use with your (b) above and emacs ediff. Original: Your Org source A: Org -> DOCX for co-authors (using pandoc) B: Org -> DOCX -> Org (using pandoc). C: A -> Org (using pandoc and --accept-all-changes) D: B-Original The difference between B and Original are pandoc-introduced changes that you do not want. Ignore/remove these changes from C, call it D and then the difference between D and the Original are your co-author comments. Now your authors can edit DOCX with Track Changes and you can work on those edits with Emacs ediff. -k.