Too Much Sugar Inhibits Cognitive Repair & Function

Via this study:

MetS as a result of fructose consumption exacerbates the deleterious effects of TBI on cognitive function. We propose a framework for a potential model in which fructose and TBI affect systems related to cell energy metabolism, which converge on intracellular pathways that regulate brain plasticity and cognitive function (Figure 7). Our results show the harmful impact of metabolic disease on the outcome of TBI with regards to mitochondrial biogenesis, synaptic plasticity, and cognitive function. These data suggest that fructose consumption reduces neural resilience and may predispose the brain toward cognitive dysfunction and lifelong susceptibility to neurological disorders.

When will this be on the 5am, 6am, 11am, 12am, 4pm, 5pm, 10pm news?

Choosing a WordPress Vagrant Box

I want a Vagrant box on which to configure and develop WordPress. Here are some of the options. I wanted to decide on one. Here is how.

  • Box: name
  • Stars: on GitHub, # stars
  • Ctrb: on GitHub, # contributors
  • Rel: on GitHub, # releases
  • Cmts: on GitHub, # commits
  • Brn: on GitHub, # branches
  • For: Purpose of box
  • Rct: Gut reaction 1
    • +: Like
    • *: Pros and Cons
    • -: Dislike
  • Rt2: Gut reaction 2


  • Identify options
  • Classify them by stars and contributors
  • Get a gut reaction whether to dig deeper or not
  • Review them again
Box Stars Ctrb Rel Cmts Brn For Rct Rt2
VVV 2323 72 13 1178 4 WP Dev +  
Vagrnt-Press 696 17 0 107 5 Gen dev + ++
vipquickstart 242 23 3 562 9 Gen dev +
Primary-Vgrnt 103 7 15 399 3 Gen dev + na
wp-nginx-hhvm 28 2 0 20 1 Gen dev + na
MonkeyRocket 13 1 0 5 2 Gen dev + na
Chassis 330 17 0 274 7 Gen dev * na
wp-vagrant 110 1 0 17 2 Reg sup * na
vccw 382 20 45 343 3 Gen dev * na
genesis 674 10 83 384 42 Gen dev * na
VVV-site-wizard 373 5 0 70 2 Cfg VVV na
vvv-reviewer 69 3 4 23 2 Rvw na
VAW 78 2 0 31 1 Gen dev na
WP Machine 14 1 0 17 1 LAMP na
wpkickstart 32 9 0 44 1 DigOcn na

VVV seems to be the best place to start.

A Book Produced Using Org


I am happy to share with fellow Orgers my recent book — Ending Malnutrition: from commitment to action — published by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome and Tulika Books, New Delhi (, The book was written and produced entirely in Org.

This would not have been possible without the terrific support provided by this community. Over the last few months, I have come to this mailing list with several queries about how to do something or the other, and people have very patiently provided solutions and suggestions.

I would like to thank everyone for their patience and their support.


From acknowledgements of the book:

In addition, for all the statistical work and writing, the authors relied on R (, org (, and LaTeX. All three are open source projects, freely made available by very vibrant communities of developers. During the course of the work, we often drew on support from these communities.

ADDEUNDUM: <2015-09-21 Mon>

The author just released the source code for the book!

SAS University Edition Setup

Today I set up SAS UE on VMWare Fusion. Everything went fine.

It allowed 4 GB of RAM allocation.

SAS UniversityEdition:Installation Guide for OS X


  • OS: OS X 10.8+, 64bit
  • Allows: 2 CPU
  • Recommends: Allocate max \frac{1}{2} of available RAM to VM
  • Browser: Chrome

Using VMware Fusion

  • Verified integrity of the download
  • Extracted archive to

    mkdir ~/VMWare
  • Created the UE working directory

    mkdir -p ~/git/github/sas/SASUniversityEdition/myfolders/
  • Booted up, logged in, wrote

Additional Configuration

  • Settings
    • Processors & Memory
      • Processors: 2 processor cores
      • Memory: 4096 MB RAM
    • Other
      • Isolation
        • ☐ Enable Drag and Drop
        • ☐ Enable Copy and Paste
  • Linefeeds

Literate DevOps: My OS X Development System

Setting up a development system is a non-trivial investment.

This document captures the steps required and automates as much as possible. The project has other formats, too.

The Style Guide is a must read for the operator.

Org-Mode converted this manual, tedious, and error prone task to a semi-automated, nearly reproducible, and error-less process, for me. This document has never been beta tested; I am it’s only user.