Thanks to Jon’s org-ref package post, now there is a video demonstrating org’s built in BiBTeX management solution.
My goodness, that 8 minute video sums up what was not obvious to many even after wantingly browsing the documentation on it. Very cool Eric!
Author: grant
org-ref for delightful LaTeX citation management in org-mode
3 articles on Dired that every Emacs user must read
This post will send you to these 3 other posts. Cherish the experience of reading these exquisite expositions of the power of Dired mode. Simply reading them will immediately illuminate the part of your mind that used to say things like “What is the big deal about Dired? I’ll just use Finder/Explorer instead… it is the same thing”. It isn’t. It is better. It is so, so powerful and you will love it after reading those 3 articles.
One way to work with org documents as data containers
Nice post to get you think about org-mode as a data vehicle.
Nice post on using Emacs for Go
Here it is.
Line snippet helper for posting code
On the org list there are a few ways that people post code indicate the start and end of that code. This is my version that might work in any mode:
(defun gcr/insert-noticeable-snip-comment-line ()
"Insert a noticeable snip comment line (NSCL)."
(if (not (bolp))
(message "I may only insert a NSCL at the beginning of a line.")
(let ((ncl (make-string 70 ?✂)))
(insert ncl)
(comment-or-uncomment-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))))
ADDENDUM: 2014-06-22T10:18:59-0500: Added newline first
A must read overview of one person's org usage
This is a great, detailed overview of one person’s org usage.
Myself not having used agenda at all yet, it is nice to see such a thoughtful exposition, something seemingly common to org users.
Update macOS 10.9 to use Bash Version 4” but I can’t get the page to load anymore ??.
: The steps for this post were “Only use in-line footnotes unless your document is very very small
Footnotes in org-mode are really, really great. Before you really get into using them, take a bit of time to think about how you want to use them.
If you have 5 footnotes or less, then don’t think anymore about it. If more then read on.
This topic is not unique to org first of all, it just isn’t something that you consider much until it is too late. Once you get into the org lifecycle, you start tossing and slinging document and code fragments with ease, especially while refactoring. This is all find and well, until you realize that your footnotes will be left sad and alone, abandoned for some cruel fate. In particular, it will break your document.
The better way is to define them all in-line; that will allow simple and easy refactoring in a quite pleasant manner.
Forgot a key point, as I only revisited this today: also generate random IDs. The kind folks in the org community on-list explained this to me. That prevents name collisions. Here is what you need:
(setq org-footnote-define-inline +1)
(setq org-footnote-auto-label 'random)
(setq org-footnote-auto-adjust nil)
ADDENDUM: 2014-06-22T09:07:09-0500
As FUCO1 pointed out, there was something wrong with my approach as I was still using randomly generated IDs. That was my intent. What I wanted was in-line and still reference-able footnote definitions, but without adding them to the Footnote section/heading. After reading the code, I see now the right setting; it was the above plus no auto-adjusting the footnotes. I just updated the code to correct that.
Be sure to configure org-startup-folded for large org documents
Be sure to configure org-startup-folded for large org documents.
org quite nicely handles navigating a collapsed document. Large ones though get a nagging slowdown, and nofold remedies this.