Category: Article
How To Pragmatically Set A Prefix Argument
Via here, in this example it handles the situation when you want to run Magit but haven’t got a project file open:
(let ((current-prefix-arg '(4)))
(call-interactively #'magit-status))
The Fifteen Questions That You Must Answer In Your Org Mode Literate Programming Configuration
My configuration results in an environment where you can only evaluate code within the document and never during export or tangling. That way it is easier to understand what happens when.
Code is only ever evaluated when you execute the document. The results of execution are stored within the document. That is my workflow.
Knitr in comparison does the opposite only evaluating code during export.
Here is the easiest way to make sense of what happens when resulting in what:
Think That You Are Too Small To Change Someone's Life?
Tell that to a four-millimeter kidney stone that one-hundred-percent blocks your ureter!
Better yet: talk to the person who owns that ureter. They will also tell you that you are wrong!
How To Reevaluate Local Variables
- If you want hooks to run call
- If you don’t want hooks to run call
apl-library: Useful stuff for APl programmers
This is a collection of APL libraries.
It was developed in gnu-apl but should be easily ported to other versions.
Our objective is adding functionality that is available in more recently created languages.
Hide uninteresting files in dired-mode
I just found a neat trick today i.e hiding uninteresting(temporary files like backup or autosave files, all files of a particular extension or a particular set of files which match a regexp) files in
. Here’s how I did it in my.emacs
lbForth, Common Lisp, and Forth Emacs fmacs
lbForth is bootstrapped by a forth-metacompiler and used to implement fmacs.
AppleScript integration for Org Babel
Been looking for an excuse to play with AppleScript?!
Now you have one very good one!
What Yoga Provides
Yoga gives you space.
In that space you will:
- Safely discover all of the things that are “wrong” about you
- Find that none of them matter or say anything about you
- Decide whether or not you need to do something about them
- Decide what else ought to be done… with your life