My personal experience is that yoga does not turn you into a robot.
I’m not the only one who has answered the question.
Category: Article
New Favorite Programmer Interview Question
What is your key binding for performing a commit?
— Grant Rettke
We Are In It Together
Wear are all in in together!
Thank goodness.
We can make it happen.
I Am A Brunet
I am a brunet. Seriously. You need to look past the grey, and, it is there.
Last night I learned about the spelling. Women are brunette and men are brunet. Cool to learn.
Renegade Coder
“Cowboy Coders are programmers who write code according to their own rules”. “Cowboy” is meant to be a derogatory term in this usage. “Cowboy” is a powerful and positive word though, and its connotation is difficult to shake. Perhaps a more appropriate term is “Renegade Coder”.
I Wasted Time with a Custom Prompt for R with ESS
I wanted a custom prompt for R with ESS. I wanted a double struck R. I probably did it wrong. It never worked. Actually it worked most of the time, and that is worse than never working. Kind people helped me. I still got it wrong. I take full responsibility. It was better not to do it. If you want to try, here is where I left it.
Make the ℝ prompt stand out (be sure to tell ESS how to handle this):
options(prompt="ℝ> ")
Tell ESS how to handle my custom prompt:
(setq inferior-ess-primary-prompt "ℝ> ")
Handle the custom ℝ prompt in ess
. Don’t use custom here.
(setq inferior-S-prompt "[]a-zA-Z0-9.[]*\\(?:[>+.] \\)*ℝ+> ")
Three Nice Looking Diff Tools and My Pick
1 Desire
Diff’s are hard. 80% of the time they are simple and fast. 20% of the time they are, well, complicated! My days of text-only diffs are coming to an end. They remain a part of my toolbox but I want a grown-up GUI diff tool. Fortunately there are plenty of options. But how to choose?
- My decision making process was pretty simple: write down questions about them and answer them in a big spreadsheet
- See where that takes me
- Make a decision
Here is how it went.
Continue reading “Three Nice Looking Diff Tools and My Pick”
Settling Into Windows
If you haven’t used Windows for a few years then plan on taking 6 weeks before settling back into it.
Most things you felt were “issues” will simply disappear.
Speed Up FileVault2 Decryption
FileVault2 (FV2) provides disk encryption for OSX. I am unfamiliar with it.
I read about it at the Apple website. It doesn’t explain much. I wanted to know
how OSX handles it. To learn I tried it out.
After installing OSX I turned on FV2. The encryption was seamless. 8GB in 15m.
I installed 58GiB more of applications and copied files. Then I wanted to
re-provision the machine.
I booted into an external drive with OSX 10.9 (10.9) on it. I erased the disk on
the box. When I erased it I was asked for a new password. I provided it. I am
guessing that FV2 wanted a new password. I booted back into 10.9 and OSX
reported that FV2 is turned on. Seems like you can’t just wipe a FV2
encrypted partition. I asked OSX to decrypt the partition. It did and I tried
erasing the partition again and it worked fine. Going through the provisioning
process again I found that decrypting 58GiB takes about 2 hours.
Some experimentation left with the plan that when I want to re-provision a OSX
box I will erase the partition and re-image it and boot into it to decrypt the
partition. Surely there are command line tools to do so. I did investigate
that people I want directions that anyone may follow in the UI.
Entity Framework Code First Migrations
Quickly learn about how EF handles schema migration in Entity Framework Code First Migrations.
Personal notes follow.
Continue reading “Entity Framework Code First Migrations”