What got you here will keep you here.
Change and continual investment is required.
How to Fix a Little Eshell Issue
Wanting to set up a pleasant shell environment in Emacs, I invested in getting
Eshell happy. Everything went well but the fact that directory name
completion doesn’t work. The error message appeared:
Invalid variable reference
Lately I’ve been learning more about how to develop (or re-learning depending upon
how you look at it) so I set up the debugger to run when the error occurred:
to receive:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Invalid variable reference") signal(error ("Invalid variable reference")) error("Invalid variable reference") eshell-parse-variable-ref() eshell-parse-variable() eshell-interpolate-variable() run-hook-with-args-until-success(eshell-interpolate-variable) byte-code("m\204-\303\304!\206\305\306f!\306u\210 \204\202)\n\204$ C\307 C\244\210)\202\306\207" [result eshell-current-argument eshell-arg-listified run-hook-with-args-until-success eshell-parse-argument-hook char-to-string nil t] 2) eshell-parse-argument() byte-code("m?\205$`\303 `U\203\304\305d{\"\210 \203 \n C\244\210*\202\207" [here arg args eshell-parse-argument error "Failed to parse argument '%s'"] 4) eshell-parse-arguments(29 #<marker at 43 in *eshell*>) byte-code("\303\304 \"\207" [begin end args nil eshell-parse-arguments] 4) eshell-complete-parse-arguments() pcomplete-parse-arguments(nil) #[0 "\306!\2053 \nU\203 \207\307\f !\206 \310 T\311 \nV\203.\312\313!\210\314\315\310\"\210 \210\262\207" [pcomplete-expand-before-complete pcomplete-index pcomplete-last pcomplete-command-completion-function pcomplete-command-name-function pcomplete-default-completion-function pcomplete-parse-arguments pcomplete-find-completion-function nil pcomplete-arg message "No completions" throw pcompleted pcomplete-stub] 5 "\n\n(fn)"]() funcall(#[0 "\306!\2053 \nU\203 \207\307\f !\206 \310 T\311 \nV\203.\312\313!\210\314\315\310\"\210 \210\262\207" [pcomplete-expand-before-complete pcomplete-index pcomplete-last pcomplete-command-completion-function pcomplete-command-name-function pcomplete-default-completion-function pcomplete-parse-arguments pcomplete-find-completion-function nil pcomplete-arg message "No completions" throw pcompleted pcomplete-stub] 5 "\n\n(fn)"]) pcomplete-completions() #[0 "\306\211\306\211\306\211\f\f \307 \310\"\211\2056\211@\311=?\2056\211A\2056\312A@\313>$.\207" [pcomplete-stub pcomplete-seen pcomplete-norm-func pcomplete-args pcomplete-last pcomplete-index nil pcomplete-completions pcomplete-do-complete listed pcomplete-insert-entry (sole shortest) pcomplete-autolist pcomplete-suffix-list pcomplete-last-completion-raw] 8 "\n\n(fn)"]() funcall(#[0 "\306\211\306\211\306\211\f\f \307 \310\"\211\2056\211@\311=?\2056\211A\2056\312A@\313>$.\207" [pcomplete-stub pcomplete-seen pcomplete-norm-func pcomplete-args pcomplete-last pcomplete-index nil pcomplete-completions pcomplete-do-complete listed pcomplete-insert-entry (sole shortest) pcomplete-autolist pcomplete-suffix-list pcomplete-last-completion-raw] 8 "\n\n(fn)"]) pcomplete(1) call-interactively(pcomplete) byte-code("\203\301\302!\207\302 \207" [interactively call-interactively pcomplete] 2) eshell-pcomplete(1) call-interactively(eshell-pcomplete nil nil)
This stacktrace is simpler because I unloaded yasnippet. This will be a good
project for me to learn more about this environment because right now I’m
not sure how to address an issue like this beyond the standard, universal issue addressing techniques.
Creation and conservation of computer files (C3F)
Wanting to learn literate programming in org-mode I figured that my Emacs configuration would be the simplest place to start. In that regard I was right, it just took a lot more work then I had expected, and that is OK. It was a non-trivial effort and I learned a lot. In my mind, the door is now wide open to utilize literate programming; the org-mode team has truly unleashed an amazing gift to the world and it may take the world some time to really understand and appreciate it.
My configs and document follow; the first one, C3F.html, is the human-readable document:
Harbor Freight is Good
Really, it is good. If you evaluate your actual needs you will find that it serves them well and it is one of the few reasonably placed multi-purpose shops around town within 15 minutes of most places.
Here is their coupon page:
Setting Up a Line6 POD XT on Windows 7
Whether not you play guitar, or do custom software development, you ought to pay homage and respect to Line6 for supporting their gear for years and years after the release date with excellent software drivers and tools. Surely their excellent long-term gear support and quality eats into their profits a bit, but they create life-own Line6 fans with nearly every purchase.
My reason for posting here is that setting up my old POD XT on Windows 7 required accepting just a couple of oddities, and then everything worked fine, and I can’t be the only one facing this. Here is how I did it in order.
Ran [Line 6 Drivers v4.2.7.1 Installer].exe with PODxt support. This was a battle because the POD wasn’t getting detected. Finally I remembered that I had always used the front USB port, not the back. Plugged it in there and the installer detected it just fine. This was major blocker until I remembered that (my fault).
Ran [Line 6 License Manager v1.07 Installer].exe.
Ran [Line 6 Monkey v1.65 Installer].exe.
Ran [Line 6 Edit v3.06.0 Installer].exe.
At my preference, I reinstalled the firmware and patches, because I forgot what was even on there and why.
Bought the Bass Expansion pack. Downloaded the PDFs for it to make sense of what is on there. Line6 Money will install the plugin and that worked flawlessly. The only oddities were two things. The first was that the new amp models for the bass didn’t show up. Literally amps #79 to #104 were gone. Rebooting the POD fixed this. The second was that in Line6 Edit, when you go to edit the amps, the tool complains that I don’t have support for those amps. Not sure what to do but things seem to work fine.
That is my story.
The Infinite Abacus
An Infinite Abacus (AIA) is both a mathematical and computational tool. Its features include the ability to store any kind of numerical measurement along with the ability to retrieve it. Conceptually it may record any number of measurements, but from an analysis perspective it would only make sense to record a single value “on” a particular device (datum), and as many as you see fit “with” a particular device (metadata). Its beads and frames may be used to model various computational systems, but it is not a mandatory feature of the tool.
The AIA should be viewed as a physical device that lives within the constraints of this reality but also exists beyond them. You may work with 1 of them as easily as you would work with 1 million of them. Additionally they have no identity or location within the time-space continuum, but for the sake of analysis they may be granted those elements for the sake of modeling so that spatial and material-property analyses may be performed given attributes of each AIA that we find valuable. AIA is not subject to death or decay. They have no mass of their own, or value of their own; instead they live only to serve. The masses of the things that they define, though, maybe be utilized; along with the reason for their existence.
The computational engineer is responsible for defining, allocating, collecting, analyzing, refining, and redefining a system of AIAs. An iterative processes is repeatedly performed as new AIAs are revealed and existing AIAs are returned. The primary limiting factors in defining a system of AIAs are the ignorance of the fundamental nature of this reality that comes with being human, the limited cognitive capacity that comes with it, and the relatively small knowledge base held by humanity given the magnitude and volume of the entirety of reality.
Generic Bass Setup ESP LTD D4
My generic beginners bass setup (I’m the beginner) was to set up the Line 6 PODxt with the bass pack, buy a 9v battery for the active pickup, buy some 1/4″ audio cables that went missing, apply blue Loctite to them because the end caps always loosen off but still need to be removable with force, got new Cleartone medium strings, got the antique brass LOXX strap locks, set up the Comfort Strap Pro Bass Extra Long, put together a pick sampler for the fun of it, got a stand for it, added a Wedgie pick holder, got non-abrasive cleaning clothes for wiping it down, lubricant for the bridge parts, lemon oil for the fingerboard, a headphone adapter 1/4″ to 3.55mm (typical headphone jack) cable, read the owners manual, bought some books, found that no ESP case fits that guitar, and finall ywill have Wade’s set it up and try to find a hard case.
org-mode Observations 2014-02-28
You can also just call org-insert-link with a “C-u” prefix. That will
give you the regular find-file interface, and then insert a link to
whatever file you find. Very useful!
— Eric Abrahamsen
High Performance Toesocks
Seems like a great idea.
(via Maya A. via Facebook)
org-mode Observations 2014-02-25
org-download lets you drag and drop images in org-mode.
org-drill helps you write flash-cards.
org-id-links are more flexible than simple ones.