With nostalgia apparently in full-effect tonight, here is another post with the retro-green-color-scheme for our enjoyment:
Tag: Emacs
Project Interaction With Projectile in Emacs
Projectile is a project interaction library for Emacs. Its goal is to provide a nice set of features operating on a project level without introducing external dependencies (when feasible).
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Smartparens is minor mode for Emacs that deals with parens pairs and tries to be smart about it. It started as a unification effort to combine functionality of several existing packages in a single, compatible and extensible way to deal with parentheses, delimiters, tags and the like.
The documentation in the link above and this video paints a picture of a tool that looks like a good fit for a wide range of scenarios that we often face.
Geiser 0.5 is out
Geiser 0.5 is out both on Marmalade and Melpa.
Emacs package management with DELPS
Part of my education on Emacs package management continues here with DELPS.
color-theme-retro-green on Emacs 24
Wonder if anyone is using color-theme anymore; seems like wasted effort to just bail on all of the great themes in there. Today I wanted to get color-theme-retro-green at least working, and here is what it took against 6.5.5 of the Marmalade release:
(defun gcr/plist-to-alist (ls)
"Convert a plist to an alist. Primarily for old color-theme themes."
(let ((result nil))
(while ls
(add-to-list 'result (cons (car ls) (cadr ls)))
(setq ls (cddr ls)))
(defalias 'plist-to-alist 'gcr/plist-to-alist)
Make a change in color-theme.el’s color-theme-retro-green to initialize face and faces with an empty list:
;; Build a list of faces without parameters
(let ((old-faces (face-list))
(faces '())
(face '())
(foreground (or color "green")))
Didn’t find a Github project to submit a patch so I emailed the owner.
A reminder for a library config
I always forget to set up js-mode correctly for auto-complete mode so I added this reminder in my startup:
(unless (file-exists-p
(concat (car (ac-dictionary-directories)) "/js-mode"))
(display-warning :emergency "auto-complete not enabled for js-mode"))
One Emacs SML Workflow
Being partial to the full-REPL-reboot style of development (ala DrRacket) for most situations I wanted the same thing in Emacs with sml-mode. The value add is that you know all of your files are saved and that your environment is in a fresh and known state. I came up with this:
(defun gcr/sml-eval-buffer ()
"Intelligently evaluate a SML buffer."
(let ((sml-process (get-process "sml")))
(when sml-process
(quit-process sml-process)))
(sleep-for 0.25)
(let ((sml-buffer (get-buffer "*sml*")))
(when sml-buffer
(kill-buffer sml-buffer)))
(sml-prog-proc-load-file buffer-file-name t))
Only to be delighted (though not surprised) to find yet another nearly identical approach here by wenjun.yan:
(defun isml ()
"If sml repl exists, then restart it else create a new repl"
(when (get-buffer "*sml*")
(with-current-buffer "*sml*"
(when (process-live-p "sml")
(sleep-for 0.2))
(sml-run "sml" ""))
My urge to attain Emacs Comint mastery only grows.
clips-mode 0.7 Release
Just put a new release of clips-mode out on Marmalade.
Changes are minor, just taking over Andrey’s wonderful contribution to the community. Cut over to GPLV3, added a build script, and started adding TODOs in the task list.
Pretty Mode Plus 1.2 Release
Pretty Mode Plus 1.2 is out with a couple changes.
Dmiti has kindly taken it over. He has great new ideas about flexibility, modularity, and test-ability. There are many great changes and more coming.
For CLIPS users, there are a couple of niceties that you will enjoy.