
Smartparens is minor mode for Emacs that deals with parens pairs and tries to be smart about it. It started as a unification effort to combine functionality of several existing packages in a single, compatible and extensible way to deal with parentheses, delimiters, tags and the like.

The documentation in the link above and this video paints a picture of a tool that looks like a good fit for a wide range of scenarios that we often face.

color-theme-retro-green on Emacs 24

Wonder if anyone is using color-theme anymore; seems like wasted effort to just bail on all of the great themes in there. Today I wanted to get color-theme-retro-green at least working, and here is what it took against 6.5.5 of the Marmalade release:

(defun gcr/plist-to-alist (ls)
  "Convert a plist to an alist. Primarily for old color-theme themes."
  (let ((result nil))
    (while ls
      (add-to-list 'result (cons (car ls) (cadr ls)))
      (setq ls (cddr ls)))
(defalias 'plist-to-alist 'gcr/plist-to-alist)

Make a change in color-theme.el’s color-theme-retro-green to initialize face and faces with an empty list:

 ;; Build a list of faces without parameters
  (let ((old-faces (face-list))
        (faces '())
        (face '())
        (foreground (or color "green")))

Didn’t find a Github project to submit a patch so I emailed the owner.

One Emacs SML Workflow

Being partial to the full-REPL-reboot style of development (ala DrRacket) for most situations I wanted the same thing in Emacs with sml-mode. The value add is that you know all of your files are saved and that your environment is in a fresh and known state. I came up with this:

(defun gcr/sml-eval-buffer ()
  "Intelligently evaluate a SML buffer."
  (let ((sml-process (get-process "sml")))
    (when sml-process
      (quit-process sml-process)))
  (sleep-for 0.25)
  (let ((sml-buffer (get-buffer "*sml*")))
    (when sml-buffer
      (kill-buffer sml-buffer)))
  (sml-prog-proc-load-file buffer-file-name t))

Only to be delighted (though not surprised) to find yet another nearly identical approach here by wenjun.yan:

(defun isml ()
  "If sml repl exists, then restart it else create a new repl"
  (when (get-buffer "*sml*")
    (with-current-buffer "*sml*"
      (when (process-live-p "sml")
    (sleep-for 0.2))
  (sml-run "sml" ""))

My urge to attain Emacs Comint mastery only grows.