(Emacs+Org-Mode) Don't Dash Your Hopes Of Utilizing Dashes

You’ve got Unicode and Emacs so take advantage of the 3 kinds of dashes available to every writer. Here is how with a little detail you might find pretty useful totally unrelated to dashes!

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(Emacs+Org-Mode) Migrate From Ido To Ivy In One Quick Step

After avoiding migrating from Ido to Ivy for years I put in the time today. Long story short it was simple, fast, and easy. Here is the micro version of what it took:

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bash: update_terminal_cwd: command not found resolution

When you run Bash under shell in Emacs on macOS then update_terminal_cwd is never defined and after every command you get the error message bash: update_terminal_cwd: command not found making the shell unusable.

The simplest solution is to define update_terminal_cwd when it isn’t defined.

Here is the code:

if [ -z “$(type -t update_terminal_cwd)” ] || [ “$(type -t update_terminal_cwd)” != “function” ]; then
update_terminal_cwd() {

(Emacs+Org-Mode) Emacs on the IBM AS/400 (aka iSeries)

The IBM AS/400 (aka iSeries) is a combined hardware application server platform. Instead of worrying about the next hot new framework, you have everything that you need to get business done. It is really quite nice in that regard.

Great news: Emacs runs on it.

(Emacs+Org-Mode) Personal Grammar Reminder Affect vs Effect

I always forget a few grammar rules and can’t seem to get them remembered so I wrote an Elisp snippet to help me remember. Langtool catches this but it isn’t worth waiting. It seems silly to me to write a reminder, but, I bet hundreds of us Emacs users face this. The definition is my own, and includes my opinion about how not to use both words!

(defun affect-vs-effect-explanation ()
  "Definition and example of the most frequent use of Affect vs. Effect."
  (let* ((title "Affect Versus Effect")
         (sep (make-string (length title) ?=))
         (buf (get-buffer-create (concat "*" title "*"))))
    (switch-to-buffer buf)
    (insert (concat title "\n"))
    (insert (concat sep "\n\n"))
    (insert "Affect is a verb. It means \"to have influence upon\". In the present tense
affect is followed by a noun in the form of \"X affects Y\". For example
\"Choosing between tabs or spaces for indentation affects our happiness.\"
In the past tense it is followed by a preposition before the noun.
For example \"Most people are deeply affected by the their choice between
using tabs or spaces for indentation.\"
Effect is a noun. It is an outcome or result of a verb. For example
\"Choosing spaces for indentation had a positive effect on her happiness.\"
There are other definitions for affect and effect and you probably
shouldn't use them.")
    (setq buffer-read-only t)))

(Emacs+Org-Mode) How To Probably Configure Everything For UTF-8 In Emacs

There are a lot of snippets laying around about how to configure Emacs for Unicode UTF-8. I’ve copy and pasted all of them at one time of another. Tonight I read the manual about how to configure Language Environments and it is pretty simple:

(let ((lang 'utf-8))
  (set-language-environment lang)
  (prefer-coding-system lang))

(Emacs+Org-Mode) Visualize Org Mode Plain List Bullets As Em-Dash

Org Mode plain lists uses the hyphen (minus sign) character as it’s default bullet. The hyphen is pretty wimpy compared to the Asterisk character so it can be hard to read. Here is some code to visualize it with an Em-Dash instead—so much easier to read!

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