
Salutogenesis is a term coined by Aaron Antonovsky,[1] a professor of medical sociology. The term describes an approach focusing on factors that support human health and well-being, rather than on factors that cause disease. More specifically, the “salutogenic model” is concerned with the relationship between health, stress, and coping.

Alive and Healthy: Standing Up to the Forces of the Past (Podcast 25)

Alive and Healthy: Standing Up to the Forces of the Past (Podcast 25)

Every meal-time is pure psychology.

Now is the time to develop a life style that fulfills the purpose of your birth.

“It is a struggle to stand up to historically popular for you habit patterns”.

“The river-beds of life are never more than 18” deep“ so you if you dig deep you can always get out.

Do what you should do because it is your purpose, not what pleases you, and not what pleases someone else.

“Prayer is to find a moment where you are no longer motivated by an out of date history or out of control ego”.

Apparent consciousness; a parent of consciousness. Do what ought and needs to be done.

Brené Brown: Listening to shame

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  • “Vulnerability is not weakness”
  • “[It] is our most accurate measurement of courage; it fuels our daily life”
  • “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change”
  • “You gotta dance with the one who brung ya”
  • “TED is the failure conference; very few people here are afraid to fail and have failed miserably many times”
  • “The credit goes to the man in the arena”
  • “Shames drives “Never good enough” and “Who do you think you are?””
  • Regarding men and shame, a male attendee shared that “You say to reach out, tell our story, be vulnerable… but [the most important women in my life] would rather me die on top of my white horse than watch me fall down. When [men] reach out and be vulnerable we get the shit beat out of us and don’t tell me it is [from other guys] it is the women in my life who are harder on me than anyone else”.
  • “Shame is an epidemic in our culture”
  • “Empathy is the antidote to shame”
  • “Me too; the two most powerful words when we are in struggle”
  • “Vulnerability is the path back to finding each other”