How to render a ^ (carrot) in normal LaTeX text

Here are two ways to render a ^ (carrotcaret) in plain text within LaTeX:

A caret: \verb|^|

I tested them and both work as prescribed. They produce different carrotscarets.
(via comp.lang.texcomp.text.tex)
Addendum: 03/02/09
Corrected spelling of caret.
Addendum: 03/03/09
Wrote the wrong newsgroup name.

The energy to become productive in a language

I’m not doing programming for it’s own sake, but because I’m trying to get my real work done and that involves writing code. I have neither the inclination nor the luxury of time to really delve down and spend three or six months learning a complex language in the hope that I’ll be more productive

— Janne
In the past I have said the same thing myself. This seems to be the status quo for the industry. I don’t feel that way anymore, though. It was the result of a feeling and not a rational thought process. Once you think about it, it doesn’t really make much sense.
If we don’t learn anything more than what we already know, then how will we ever get any more productive?
(via this comment)

Why should programmers care about currying in practice in Scheme?

I wanted to know what currying means in practice for programmers who are not themselves theoretical computer scientists so I asked about it here. There were a lot of informative replies; and the most direct answers to the question seem to be:
Anthony Cowley:

There are many cases where Curried functions can be convenient, but I’ll just pick one class of examples. In FP, one is often passing around bundles of state in the form of parameters to a function.

Joe Marshall:

Your best bet would be to look at existing Scheme code. I found this example in the MIT Scheme loader: [click link for code]

Richard Cleis:

Currying permits repeated use of intermediate functions as an alternative to overtly managing arguments to a core function.

David Van Horn [on how to use the state monad in Scheme]:

You might have a look at these:

HtDP Makes SICP Easier

Recommendation: do the math-y sections in HTDP. This will give you a flavor of the kind of mathematics you get in SICP, even though there are non-overlapping examples in each. I would especially focus on the examples from calculus (numeric differentiation, integration, taylor series etc) but the graph traversal (network flow) things are good for you too. Once you are at east with those, you can tackle SICP and get through fast

(via PLT)

Understanding PLT Redex

The formal semantics of R6RS are described using PLT Redex. I don’t understand this field of study or where to start so I asked about it on the PLT discussion list and Robby replied here:

Start by reading the introduction to the formal semantics. Then download it and look at the README file (there are some examples in there to get you going).
If you’re interested in learning more about the style of semantics, as background on the R6 semantics, you can start with the redex web site and ask questions here. There is a book that should be coming out in a few months that might also be helpful.

— Robby
Jos also explained here:

Redex is a tool that allows:
1: the description of the grammar of a language
2: the description of how an expression of that language is to be reduced to the value of that expression (reduction relation)
3: after having done steps 1 and 2, redex (in casu procedures traces and apply-reduction-relation) can show you how an expression is reduced to its value.
Although Redex is far more general than just a tool to play with Lambda Calculus (LC) and Combinatory Logic (CL), my path was the following:
0: Imperative programming.
1: The Little LISPer, which is a great primer before glancing into 4. (about recursion, not really a book about programming, imho)
2: Greg Michaelson, An Introduction to Functional Programming through Lambda Calculus (not a masterpiece, but easy to read)
3: Playing with Scheme (particularly preparing lots of interpreters.
4: 1984. The Lambda Calculus, Its Syntax and Semantics, Vol. 103 in Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics. North-Holland. ISBN 0-444-87508-5. Not easy but very comprehensive.
5: SICP (transformation to continuatian passing style and storage passing style)
6: Redex, which allows me to check my understanding of LC and CL.
You can regard LC and CL as the ultimate mathematical abstractions of programming languages. In fact LC consists of the ultimate lambda and applications only, nothing else. CL goes even further. It has applications only, no lambda, just a few primitive functions (possibly only one) Yet CL and LC can be proven to incorporate all “definable functions”. These are not programming languages for practical use, They are formal mathematical systems of outraging beauty. If you want to make working programs, you’d better not follow my path, I think.
LC is an important piece of mathematics for the formal study of the properties of real life programming languages. It is used extensively in scientific studies on real life programming languages. Scheme can rather easily be described with mathematical precision in terms of LC. IIRC Algol60 has been described in terms of LC too. As an example, the semantical description of Scheme-R6RS is based on knowledge based on LC.

— Jos

Unhygienic macros inside of unhygienic macros are difficult

In this post; Ryan explains why unhygienic macros inside of unhygienic macros are often difficult.

;; the working if-it & when-it
(define-syntax (if-it stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((if-it test? then else)
     (with-syntax ((it (datum->syntax #'if-it 'it)))
       #'(let ((it test?))
           (if it then else))))))
(define-syntax (when-it stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((~ test? exp exp2 ...)
     (with-syntax ((it (datum->syntax #'~ 'it)))
       #'(let ((it test?)) (when it exp exp2 ...))))))
;; the non-working cond-it
(define-syntax (cond-it stx)
  (syntax-case stx (else)
    ((cond-it (else exp exp2 ...))
     #'(begin exp exp2 ...))
    ((cond-it (test? exp exp2 ...))
     #'(when-it test? exp exp2 ...))
    ((cond-it (test? exp exp2 ...) cond1 cond2 ...)
     #'(if-it test? (begin exp exp2 ...)
              (cond-it cond1 cond2 ...)))))

When ‘cond-it’ expands and produces an ‘if-it’ expression, the ‘if-it’ is marked by the macro expander as coming from a macro. That means its lexical context is different from the ‘it’ variables in the branches. That means that the ‘it’ variable binding produced by ‘if-it’ does not capture the ‘it’ references in the branches.

— Ryan